Are you (not) okay? 


(The Wolfpack - Cedar Park High School)

1) Who wrote the story? 

Iliana Tangarove wrote the story. 

2) What is their story about? 

Tangarova's story is about anxiety in teens through both high school and their overall teenage years. 

3) What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing. 

Tangarova's direct opinion is that "your mental health matters. It is truly the thing that drives you forward. Without a sound mind, you’re only going to be able to walk and think as far."

4) Did they address what the other side might think about their topic? 

No, they did not address what the other side might think about their topic. 

5) Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? Did they backtrack, or did they say one thing and then somewhere else say something that was almost the opposite? 

Tangarova was not wishy-washy with their opinion and stated it very strongly. 

6) Did they support their opinion with facts? 

Yes, they supported their opinion with facts. 

7) Are there any quotes in the story? 

No, there are not any quotes in the story.

8) What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd, or 3rd)?

Tangarova wrote in the first-person point of view.