Opinion Story #2


1) List three emotions you've experienced this past week. What triggered them?

a) Serenity - I was listening to the perfect playlist while going on the bus to school, on a rainy day. 

b) Exhaustion - Coming home after a 10-hour day, studying, getting 5 hours of sleep, and repeating it all over again.

c) Hanger - Forgetting to eat breakfast and having second lunch. 

2) List three situations or things that have given you a sense of satisfaction accomplishment

a) Studying well and knowing the material on tests and quizzes. 

b) Unpacking/reorganizing my bathroom. 

c) Cleaning my backpack. 

3) List three things you worry about 

a) Getting a grade lower than a 95 in any class. 

b) Not doing things early enough to get accepted into my university of choice. 

c) Disappointing my parents or the people around me. 

4) List three things that frustrate you 

a) People who disrupt learning, or are annoying in class. 

b) How cold my geography classroom is. 

c) College legacy acceptances. 

5) List three things you need

a) A college acceptance from Harvard, Yale, or Princeton. 

b) More books. 

c) Stuffed animals. 

6) List three things you think teachers worry about 

a) School shootings. 

b) Not meeting grading deadlines. 

c) Student's showing no improvement on post-year checks. 

7) List three things you think give teachers a sense of satisfaction or accomplishment

a) Grading on time 

b) Having the whole attention of their class 

c) Leaving school after class 

8) List three things you like about your school/community 

a) The overall diversity in looks and clothing 

b) Teachers are all nice 

c) Multiple different sub-communities and friend groups you can fit into. 

9) List three things you dislike about your school/community

a) The amount of vaping and drugs around school.

b) The uncleanliness of bathrooms around the academic wing.  

c) The long lunch lines. 

10) Identify and briefly describe one TREND you have noticed around school, in the media, in pop culture, in your community

a) One trend I have noticed around in the media and school is wearing 'jorts'. Jorts are short for jean shorts and are worn very baggily. Jorts have become controversial due to their use in current fashion. Jorts are also becoming increasingly popular due to the coverage they get through social media and school. 

Story Ideas

1) Recently, there has been a lot of attention on college legacy acceptances and the unfairness surrounding the practice of said acceptances. These legacy acceptances are given with more regard to generational alumni in the applicant's family than their grades and GPA. These admissions throw away the efforts of normal students applying to prestigious universities and should be demolished immediately. 

2) Many students who go to Bowie High can say that they are regularly exhausted after school days, sports, and band practices. Along with riding the bus/attending practices/extracurriculars, students spend seven and a half hours at school on normal school days. Starting school at 9 a.m. does not help this already long day, as the 'late start' stretches the end of the day to 4:30 p.m. This is far too late and should be remedied immediately by starting school at 8 a.m. 

3) It is expected for high schoolers to get hungry, with all the learning they do, along with sports practices throughout the day. Often, many teens also forget to eat breakfast, which can be problematic throughout a school day.  Something extremely helpful has been the snack cart in the front of the library. For students to be properly nourished throughout the day, I believe that the snack cart should be in use between periods, to allow students to buy snacks.