Media Literacy 

2. NBC, abc, patch

3. The daily sceptic, fox news, New York Post

4. News Target, Natural news (Consirvitive). The toney michalels, The Jimmy Bore show (liberal)

5. A fact is something that cannot be changed no matter what a person thinks. Even if someone thinks it's wrong it doesn't matter because a fact cannot be changed. 

6. An opinion is someones take on something. Every different opinion has a different point of view. Unlike facts, opinions are not for sure ideas and can usually be changed. 

7. A informed opinion is a fact that is bias. When someone has proof that a statement is true and they still put their opinion on it. 

8. I would go to the chart and pick a source from the middle point at the top of the chart. 

9. NBC and Special Report

10. When your expressing how you feel about a topic in show that in your writing.

11. The words " I think, I bet that, I would say that" and sayings like that. All of these reflect opinion.

12. 1st amendment

13. The amendment states that " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."  

14. I think that journalism is important in todays world to show current things happening, I think it teaches different things that are important about writing and it's good knowledge for the world to know.

15. One of the headlines does not tell what he did, it just says that he has convicted. The other headline talks about the crimes he committed in the headline. 

16. I think so because based off the words used in the article. If one article has something like "Unfortunatly he was found guilty" that is bias and it is an opinion.

17. I think they use it as a hook to draw the audience in the read their articles.

18. I don't think so because after only hearing one side of a story that's the only way you can think of it, but after hearing different opinions you can form your own. 

19. I think it is because people can choose what they read and it is good to hear different points of view on the same story.

20. Yes because if you only hear one opinion that is probably the opinion you will stick with, but if you hear the other side of the story you could end up changing your opinion.

21. I think to acuratly report the articles should use types of proof to show that it is only facts and not use any opinionated words such as "I think" and so it is not bais in any way.