Ethics in the media

I think that PETA was wrong to show a graphic image on a campaign especially about the Holocaust.  They should not have compared animals that are being bred for food to humans with a life and feelings that are being killed without reason. They should not have shown graphic images at all but to do it about the Holocaust is very wrong.

In my opinion it is right to name victims in the public news, if the person gives consent. If the victim does not want to be named then they shouldn't be, but if they want to use their name then they should be named. If the person has died then it should be up to the family for consent.

In 1996 a girl was murdered in her basement in Colorado. The murder was an obsession for a lot of people in the following year, 1997. 40 years after the murder, the killer confessed to his crimes

I think it was right for the writer to break confidence with the killer and share what he did to the world because even though the murder happened a long time ago, it is still right for the family to get justice and for the killer to be punished for his crimes. All though in most cases you should not break confidence with your client, sometimes you have too and this was one of those times.