
Year 6 Accountability Docs

Click here for our school wide Reading Progressions.

Year 6 Literacy Progressions - Term 2


Language Features

- Describe how different text types or genres have different language features.

- Use what has been read to help understand that some words have different meanings depending on the context.



Show a good understanding of all basic spelling patterns and rules.


Attempt complex punctuation.


Choose from different planning tools to meet the purpose.

Our Term 2 text

This term we are following a chapter chat program. Chapter chat is a fun way for students to engage in the story by completing a range of different reading tasks.

Our text ties in with Topic as it is an historical novel following the lives of families in New Zealand from 1886-2018.


From week 3 we will be studying language features via poetry. Students will look at different poems and features each week and complete a range of associated tasks. The poem of the week will be in the student's homework books.

Language Feature focus:

  • Week 3 - simile

  • Week 4 - metaphor


Each class has a library time on Friday morning. Students may issue 2 books for a maximum of 2 weeks.

Year6Supporting your child's learningReading.pdf


Your child will be reading non-fiction books, chapter books, magazines, and online information across all areas of the curriculum. Click here for some helpful things you can do at home to support your child's reading progress.


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