Digi Skills

This is the place to find STEAM challenges and to find out how to do all things digital on our Learning Portal, Google Classroom and beyond. Below you will find easy-to-follow tutorials to remind you or introduce you to digital tasks.


This is a useful document for your teachers to be able to locate all your learning in one easy place. As soon as you start a new piece of learning, you can add the link to the Accountability Doc if there is a heading for it. If there isn't, check with your teacher.

All About Accountability.webm
Making a Link using Shortcuts.webm

Instructions for Google Classroom:

How to guide for parents.

Google Slides

Use these tutorials below to help you learn how make the most of Google Slides

Introduction to Slides

Adding images, videos, shapes, word art and creating links

Adding transitions

Untitled: Mar 1, 2021 11:25 AM.webm

How to make a copy of a doc and attach it to Google Slides tutorial

How to save a copy.webm

How to save a copy tutorial

How to Hyperlink instructions


Netsafe has created the Online Safety Parent Toolkit to get parents and whānau talking about online safety. Download your copy here.