Weekly Priorities


At the start of the week your child will bring home 10 spelling words to learn, which they will copy into their 3B1 notebook. These words are chosen from the Essential Words lists 4-7 and commonly misspelt words (see below), in combination with relevant topic words. Spelling tests will be every Friday. Please support your child to practice and understand their weekly spelling words at home.

Basic Facts:

Students are given a sheet of basic facts questions every Monday to practice at home. When they are able to answer 47/50 questions correctly in our Friday test, they move on to the next sheet. Some students will have the same sheet for more than one week as they develop their maths skills.

Sheets are levelled at Stage 4, 5 or 6. The prototec website can also be used to support this learning.

NZCER essential words list (1).pdf