
This term we will be focusing on:

Week 2-3: Text comprehension and summary

Week 4-5: Biography texts, vocabulary strategies

Week 6-9: Pūrākau and legends, making connections with other media

Chapter Chat:

Our read-aloud Chapter Chat novel for this term is Charlie Tangaroa and the Creature from the Sea by Tania Roxborogh.

Students will be completing a variety of different activities based on the novel. Activities will focus on comprehension, vocabulary, making connections, creativity, and more.

Reading progressions for your child can be found on Hero.

Term 2 Reading Progressions:


  • Identify and summarise the main idea with examples from the text to support thinking

Processes and Strategies:

  • Cross check the meaning of new words using multiple parts of a text

  • View other text/film/media and link the ideas back to the text