Employment Forms

Documents New Employees Will Need to Complete to be Fully Employed by Strafford School District

Background Check/Fingerprinting - Every new hire  will need to complete fingerprinting ASAP.  Fingerprints are non-transferable from anywhere, so new ones are required for all new employees. All hiring is conditional upon this being completed in a timely fashion. Failure to do so or the return of a negative report will result in the conditional offer of employment being revoked. Payment for this requirement is borne by the applicant, not the district. The form directly below will guide applicants through the process. 

Form I-9 - This form is an essential hiring document that ensures the district is only hiring folks who are eligible to work in the United States. Please be sure to fill in all employee blanks as an incomplete form cannot be accepted.  

This form does require additional proof of citizenship. On page 2, the form lists items in three columns. You need one document from List A  OR one from B AND C. Example, if you have a valid US passport, that is all you will need to submit. If you do not have an item from List A, you could bring a valid Driver's License (List B) AND a valid Social Security Card (List C).  All employees need to download, complete, print, sign, and submit an I-9  along with Proof of Citizenship Documents.

Form W-4 - This form is where you let the business office know how much to withhold from your paycheck in taxes. Be sure to complete all of step 1. In Step 2, if you check the box next to 2(c), more taxes will be withheld, however it also must be true. In Step 3, the larger the number, the less taxes that will be withheld. To maximize withholdings, you need to put $0. In Step 4(c), you can put a number for additional dollars you wish to be withheld. This will be regardless of what you put in previous steps. If you put $500, we will withhold $500 + any additional money that will be withheld due to Steps 2 or 3. Be sure to sign and date in Step 5. All employees need to download, complete, print, sign, and submit a W-4.

NHRS is the state of NH Retirement System for public employees. Part time people cannot participate. Full time employees MUST participate. There are two categories - Certified and Non-Certified. Regardless of which category employees are in, they must contribute 7% of their pay to this mandatory retirement system. The district contributes 19.64% cert and 13.53% non-cert. Below, employees can find a link to the NHRS website which has many resources. All full time employees need to download, complete, print, sign, and submit the three documents linked below.