Before you start researching colleges, you should first think about what you're looking for in a college. These questions can help as you reflect:
What do you want to study in college? What majors/programs are important for the college to have?
Do you want to stay in Minnesota? If so, do you want to stay close to home or get outside of Minneapolis/St. Paul?
Do you want to get out of Minnesota? If so, do you know where you want to go?
What kind of campus environment do you want? A college in a small town? A college in a big city?
Are there any clubs/activities that you want the college to have?
What do you need the college to have for you to feel supported as a student?
Once you've done some reflecting, you can start researching!
Here are a few helpful websites that you can use for research:
Once you know which colleges you want to apply to, you can start the application process in the fall of your senior year! Check out the step-by-step guide below to help through the entire process:
Writing college essays
Application Guides
Minnesota State Application (St. Paul College, Century, Metro State, St. Cloud State, Mankato State, etc.)