Career Exploration

Manage Your Career

Your future is up to you. You can manage your career — and your life!

Plan. Manage. Achieve.

Managing your career is an ongoing process. Instead of thinking of your future as a timeline that has a beginning and an end, think of it as a cycle that you will continuously work your way through.

Click the drop downs below for tips on how to accelerate your career.

Work-Life Balance

Working is a natural and fulfilling part of life. It's important to find a healthy balance between work and the other areas of your life. Be sure to regularly check in with yourself to determine whether you feel good about the amount of time you are working and the amount of time you have to complete your school work, enjoy hobbies, and spend time with friends and family. Remember: you are more than your job, internship, or career. Life is meant to be lived.

Click HERE to see how students just like you have managed their personal and work lives.

School Work

School must be one of your top priorities. PERIODT. Completing your school work on-time and to the best of your ability is a key factor in academic success. You will learn more and do better in school if you set aside time everyday to complete your school work.

Check out the BigFuture College Board Inside the Classroom page for resources on how to stay motivated and succeed in school.

Networking + Social Media

What is Networking?

Networking is when you connect with other people to develop professional or social contacts. Do you use social media? Guess what, you're already networking! When thinking about your career, you want to create a network or a web of people that can support you in reaching your career goals.

Social Media

Use social media wisely! You are not the only one using it. Colleges and employers WILL look you up. Make sure your online image represents you in positive ways. Social media is also a fantastic way to connect to potential employers and professional collaborators. Don't be afraid to reach out and make a connection with someone you admire or is doing something that you want to know more about. It's true, you might not hear back from them, but following their journey can help motivate you to pursue your goals.


LinkedIn is a professional social media site where you can focus on connecting with companies, potential employers, and other professionals. Many colleges and employers will check your LinkedIn to learn about you and potentially offer you opportunities and jobs based on your profile.

Create a LinkedIn profile today!

Soft Skills

What are Soft Skills?

Soft skills are skills connected to your behaviors and social attitudes. Seven important soft skills to work on developing are:

  1. Leadership - supporting, supervising, and directing others

  2. Teamwork - working well with others to achieve a common goal

  3. Communication - writing, speaking, listening, drawing, and behaving in a way that allows others to understand you

  4. Problem Solving - working through challenges using the resources available to you

  5. Work Ethic - working hard and stay motivated regardless of the

  6. Flexibility/Adaptability - embracing necessary changes, even if it's different than what you had planned

  7. Interpersonal Skills - connecting with others and building trusting relationships

Which of these soft skills are you already good at? Which soft skills do you need to work on?

Check out the "Skills Lab" tool in the "About Me" section in Xello to gain a deeper understanding of different types of skills and which skills you posses.

Goals + Future

Every goal needs a solid plan. Check out the Goals + Plans section to make your dream a reality.