Career Exploration

Goals + Plans

A goal without a plan is just a wish. Remember, the best goals are SMART goals.

Goals + Plans = Achievement

Setting clear goals, making a plan, and tracking you progress is the best way to shape your future and achieve your dreams. Click the steps below to get started!

STEP 1: Create a SMART Goal

Set yourself up for success by creating a S.M.A.R.T. goal:

S for specific. A goal should be linked to one activity, thought, or idea.

M for measurable. A goal should be something you can track and measure progress toward.

A for actionable. There should be clear tasks or actions you can take to make progress toward a goal.

R for realistic. A goal should be possible to achieve.

T for timely. A goal should fall within a specific time period.


    • Non-SMART Goal: Get better grades.

    • SMART Goal: By the end of fourth quarter, I will improve my English grade from a C- to a B or higher by completing and turning in all of my homework assignments on time.

    • Non-SMART Goal: Get a job.

    • SMART Goal: In the next 60 days, I will secure a job in the manufacturing industry by speaking with my Career Pathway Center Coordinator, researching manufacturing jobs on, creating a resume tailored to the industry, applying to 5 different open positions and going to at least two interviews.

Your turn!

Save a copy of the Achieve Planning Worksheet to your Google Drive and write down one SMART goal that you would like to achieve. If your goal will take longer than a year to complete, then you will also want to create smaller, short-term SMART goals to help you stay on track.

STEP 2: Make an Action Plan

Every SMART goal must be paired with a detailed "Action Plan". The action plan maps out a list of tasks you will need to complete, specific due dates for each task, and key people that can help you complete each task.

  • STEP 1: Write down a list of all of the tasks you will need to complete in order to achieve your goal. It's basically a to-do list.

  • STEP 2: Organize the list so the tasks are in order. What do you need to do first? Then what? Keep going.

  • STEP 3: Assign a due date to each task on the to-do list. Make sure these due dates make sense and are achievable.

  • STEP 4: Write down the names of people who can support you as you complete each task. Examples: friends, older siblings, parents/guardians, relatives, mentors, community leaders, church/spiritual members, classmates, teachers, coaches, counselors, social workers, managers, coworkers, or your Career Pathway Center Coordinator ;)

  • STEP 5: Decide when and how you'll reward yourself along the way to stay motivated.

  • STEP 6: Take notes along the way to keep track of how things are going for you.

Your turn!

Use your Achieve Planning Worksheet to complete your action plan under tabs 3-5.

*Note: search your Google Drive if you already made a copy of the Achieve Planning Worksheet.

STEP 3: Share Your Goals with Others

It can be hard to stay committed to your goals, even if you've created the perfect action plan. Use one or more of these simple tips to help hold yourself accountable:

  • Keep your goals in a visible location.

Have your goal written down in a place where you will see it everyday. Write on a post-it note and stick it to your mirror. Make a dream board and hang it in your room. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you of your goal daily.

  • Share your goals with people you trust and respect.

Ask them to check in with you daily, weekly, or monthly to make sure you're staying on track and meeting the due dates you set.

  • Find an accountability buddy.

Try and find at least one person that has the same goal as you and work together to reach your shared goal! Achieving the dream is always more fun with friends.

  • Make your goals public.

Consider posting your goals on social media and keeping your followers updated. Remember, your community wants to see you win. Let others witness the ups, the downs, the whole journey. Social networks can provide you with encouragement, advice, and maybe even connections to others that can support you along the way. Bonus: you never know who else you might inspire!

STEP 4: Track Your Progress + Adjust

Update your action plan regularly to track your progress.

If you have daily due dates, check your action plan daily. If you have weekly due dates, check it weekly, If you have monthly due dates, check it monthly. Do not go more than a month without updating your action plan. If you're hitting your due dates, awesome! Be sure to write down how good it feels and keep going!!

Have you missed more than one due date lately?

If so, it's ok. That means it's time to ask yourself the following questions and adjust your action plan based on your answers:

  • What has been out of my control lately that has impacted my action plan?

  • What is within my control right now that will allow my to recommit to my goal?

  • At this point, what do I need to change on my action plan to achieve my goal?

  • At this point, how much time do I need to reach my goal? Do I have more time?

  • Who can I talk to for support?

  • What is one thing about this process that I'm grateful for?

STEP 5: Reward, Rejoice, Reflect


Reaching your goals doesn't have to be all business. Make a list of small rewards to give yourself for when you meet your due dates along the way. This gives you something to look forward to and creates excitement around sticking to your action plan. Examples: 30 extra minutes of YouTube, take yourself out to eat, treat yourself to a manicure, plan a local adventure with friends in nature, or get a fresh pair of Jordan 1s.


There is no better feeling than reaching a goal you really care about, especially if the journey was challenging. Take time to rejoice. Celebrate your accomplishments and be sure to show gratitude to the people who helped you reach your goal. No need to be humble here. Rejoice out loud!


Your entire life will consist of setting goals and either reaching them or deciding to move in a different direction. Whether you reach your original goal or not, take time along the way to write in your journal, Notes app, or on the final tab of the Achieve Planning Worksheet about how you feel. Reflect on questions such as:

  • What are you learning about yourself along the way?

  • Does your goal serve its original purpose?

  • Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently?

  • What new goals do you want to set to match your current path?

The answers to these questions will provide guidance for what comes next. You must actively reflect if you want to shape your future.

Goals & Plans in Xello

Did you know you can create plans related to your saved careers, colleges, and majors in Xello?

  • STEP 1: Log in to Xello. If you need help logging in, click here.

  • STEP 2: Click "Goals & Plans" at the top of the page.

  • STEP 3: Click the "+" or "New Plan".

  • STEP 4: Choose from your saved careers, schools, or majors as a starting point for your plan.

  • STEP 5: Create a name for the plan (optional).

  • STEP 6: Follow the SMART goal steps above and add videos, photos, and other digital files to stay on track!

Note: Starting in 11th grade, you can use Xello to create your College Planning list.

Click here for more information on how to use the College Planning tools in Xello.