The Arts

The Arts - Visual Arts, Music, Drama, & Dance

This page shares the focus of our learning as a point to begin from.

Exploring Ink printing with our Native animals and pests focus

Ink printing is the form of carving a picture onto the material and then using ink to colour it before placing paper over the top to create the print. The printing block can be made of matierial such as wood, bamboo, lino tile, and even styrofoam which is good for younger children to manipulate and use safely. These are some prints from NZ artists of native landscapes and animals.

THE LADY MABEL ANNESLEY (1881-1959) Nikau Palms

Nester Prints - piwakawaka

By Andrea Mae Millar (NZ Artist- Blockprinting) SHAG POINT

making our own native animal ink printing template

We are going to recycle styrofoam to create our printing block as a safe way to create our print of a native animal.