
Bethlehem Timetable

AT home learning Term 2, 2020

The Ministry of Education are advocating for 2.5 hours of schooling per day while at home. As each family has different circumstances and situations, please do not feel pressured to push these hours if it does not work for your family. Just do what you can. Remember to keep your well-being and that of your family's, at the forefront of your decisions.

Blessings to you all xx Mrs D

Bethlehem online timetable 2020

Kanohi ki te Kanohi - Our Face to Face learning time

Face to face learning gives us an opportunity to reconnect, support, and share our knowledge with each other.

Click the slides to see the weekly timetable for our group and individual meeting times.

Google Hangout emails will be sent out to students via parent emails from the teacher.

If you can not attend, please decline the invitation.

suggested Class Timetable