Robot Kit

The robot kit being supplied to each team consists of:

  1. SnappyXO Kit, which contains structural parts for making the structure and mechanisms of the robot.
  2. Mechatronics Kit, which contains motors, sensors, microcontroller, LEDs, and many other mechanical-electronics parts.

The mechatronics kit supplied to you contains parts that are readily available in the market. All wiring will be naked and at times messy. Such is the nature of Engineering.

Please bring your own Android or iOS device -- phones are ok, but their smaller screen size could limit your ability to control your robot over bluetooth, which is a required component of this challenge. Therefore, bring a tablet if you can.

See the document below for the contents of the robot kit as well as how to use SnappyXO kit parts to design robots.

SnappyXO and Mechatronics Kit Documentation