Helpful Resources
This is a list of digital resources that you may find beneficial....
Online Calculator
A free online scientific calculator with advanced features for evaluating percentages, fractions, exponential functions, and more. This is a great resource, especially when calculating fractions and complex operations. Ask me to show you how to use it.
Other tools include a standard calculator, graphing calculator, matrix, calculator, and a Geometry tool.
Instructional Videos
There are thousands of videos out there to help you understand particular math concepts. Some are better than others.... Here are a few popular sites:
Short lessons in the form of videos, along with supplementary practice exercises and materials.
Originally created by a teacher for her students during the 2020 COVID lockdown, these videos are detailed lessons on a variety of middle school math and algebra topics. ( I like this one! Unfortunately, it's just videos)
Free math videos from basic math through Calculus. Each video is done by a different instructor so that students can see slightly different approaches and strategies to solving each problem. Students benefit from this, and gain confidence in learning from their fellow peers.
Each topic is also available in Spanish.
Math lessons organized by topic, generally taught between 3rd and 8th grade. Older students will find the lessons helpful for review.
Math planet is an online resource for elementary math through Geometry. It offers explanations, examples, and some video lessons.
Websites for Instruction, Practice and Worksheets
The site uses puzzles, games, quizzes, worksheets, and a forum to help guide students through their learning.
Find helpful math lessons, games, calculators, and more. Get math help in algebra, geometry, trig, calculus, or something else.
Math lessons are designed to make math meaningful to the student. Each math lesson provides in-depth instruction ideal for learners of all ages and abilities.