The Church of St Mary the Virgin

Our Mission is both to remain the centre of Christian faith and compassion in Wheatley, and to nurture spiritual growth, whilst making the Church an even more welcoming place for every member of the community and especially to serve those who need our help most.


From the team at St Mary’s

Welcome to our new website. 

The site is intended to compliment the re-launch of the church building in September and communicate to a much larger audience rather than just regular church goers. Our goal is to promote the wide range of activities that the church is involved in both spiritually and from a community perspective. We will also use the site to promote clubs, groups and societies who use the church as a base for their activities. 

These are exciting times for St Mary's after 8 years of fund raising, planning and delivery we are in a position to promote the church building as a valued community asset.

If you have any content and photos that you would like to share then please do not hesitate to send it into We will endeavour to publish it.


As Church volunteers continue to manage St Mary's during the vacancy.

Loving God, as we journey together through this period of Interregnum, we thank you for your everlasting faithfulness to us. At this time of uncertainty and change we ask that you send us your Holy Spirit, to fill us with your vision, energy, and faithfulness in prayer. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. 


Church Services

Sunday 7th July

08:00am Holy Communion

Presiding  - Bishop Humphrey Southern

Venue - Our Lady of Lourdes

10.00am Parish Eucharist

Presiding  - Bishop Humphrey  Southern

Venue - Our Lady of Lourdes

Week day services on Zoom see - Latest Notice Sheet 

Diary date

Sunday, September 8th @ 3pm

St Mary's Rededication  Service

Bishop of Dorchester presiding

Coming up........