Revival Project Update

Update April 2024

The Revival project continues to progress on time and to budget. Expectations are that the building will be released back to us in July so that the re-decorating process may start. We have covered a small overspend from core funds and now look to raise money for the redecoration phase which we estimate at £15k.

The renovated church will be launched on September 8th when the Bishop of Dorchester will preside over a 3pm service. We are hoping that will be joined by our two project patrons, The RHon. Theresa May and the Rev. Helen Ann Hartley, Bishop of Ripon. You are probably aware that the former Prime Minister was the daughter of our former Vicar, the late Rev. Hubert Brasier lived in the vicarage whilst attending Holton Park Girls Grammar School. Helen Ann served as a Curate in St Mary's on a pathway to an extremely successful career in the church. More news on the launch will follow.

To donate to St Mary's please make a Bank transfer to:

Wheatley Parochial Church Council

Account 80946745

Sort Code 20-65-21

Please reference what you would like your generous donation to put towards.

Thank you