Services at St Mary's

Monthly Service schedule (typical) Venue *

All Sundays 8am Holy Communion Latest Notice Sheet *

All Sundays 10am Parish Praise or Eucharist Latest Notice Sheet   

Sundays 6pm 'Praise' St Mary's**

Wednesday 12pm Holy communion The Vicarage***

Weekday morning prayer 8am Zoom link Latest Notice Sheet   

Additional services at Easter and Christmas will be published separately

* Until St Mary's re-opens

** Starts in September 2024 in term time

*** This service will resume when we appoint a new Vicar

During the interregnum it will be advisable to check the the Latest Notice Sheet to get the latest up to-date information, most services will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes (with thanks)


During the interregnum we are blessed to have the loyal services of the following priests to keep our services going.

plus our own Licensed Lay Minister

We would also like to express our extreme gratitude to Our Lady of Lourdes for allowing us to continue our worship at their beautiful church.

My we also give thanks to the United Reform Church for allowing us to share services and for allowing us to use the Mulberry room for meetings and events.

And finally we would like to offer our appreciation to David Bendor-Samuels and the the churches within the Benefice who have shared both their services and their venues with us.

On behalf of the PCC