Music at St Mary's

Praise flyer for website.pdf


Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!

At St Mary’s, singing praises to God is central to our worship. Our music is live and unamplified, but we embrace all musical styles from plainsong to modern worship songs. The choir sings an anthem at our main Sunday morning service, and leads the singing of the congregation with accompaniment from the organ or music group as appropriate. 

We like to celebrate festivals with special services which always feature the choir, including Advent, Christmas and Epiphany Carol Services, Ash Wednesday and Ascension Day.

Our motto is ‘music for all’, and we do not hold auditions! We are blessed with several expert singers who hold things together, so there will always be someone confident to stand next to. Singers who also play instruments form a small worship band for the modern songs. 

From September, we are starting a new Junior Choir, Praise (see left) , for girls and boys aged 9-14 with treble (unbroken) voices, which will sing at our new all-age evening service (a youth-friendly choral evensong). We aim to grow into a choir for all ages and voices, including adults. Boys with broken voices and older girls: please get in touch if you’d like to be involved. We’ll fit you in as soon as we can!

Membership of both our choirs is completely free, and open to singers of any faith or none.

For further information about our music, please email

St Mary’s Choir and Music Group

(Of course, we’d love you to sing regularly, but our current members attend from almost every week to once in a blue moon!)