Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development Children’s personal, social and emotional development (PSED) is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives, and is fundamental to their cognitive development. Underpinning their personal development are the important attachments that shape their social world. Strong, warm and supportive relationships with adults enable children to learn how to understand their own feelings and those of others. Children should be supported to manage emotions, develop a positive sense of self, set themselves simple goals, have confidence in their own abilities, to persist and wait for what they want and direct attention as necessary. Through adult modelling and guidance, they will learn how to look after their bodies, including healthy eating, and manage personal needs independently. Through supported interaction with other children, they learn how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts peaceably. These attributes will provide a secure platform from which children can achieve at school and in later life. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development ELG: Self-Regulation 

Children at the expected level of development will: 

- Show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly.

 - Set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their immediate impulses when appropriate.

 - Give focused attention to what the teacher says, responding appropriately even when engaged in activity, and show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions.

 ELG: Managing Self 

Children at the expected level of development will: 

- Be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.

 - Explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly.

 - Manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing, going to the toilet and understanding the importance of healthy food choices. 

ELG: Building Relationships 

Children at the expected level of development will: 

- Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others.

 - Form positive attachments to adults and friendships with peers.

 - Show sensitivity to their own and to others’ needs. 

Term 5

PSHE - Team Races

I am a good team member?

Do I say well done to others?

This week, we have been thinking about not giving up when we struggle with a challenge or new target. 

We played team games in class and races to get ready for Sports Day.

Then we  thought of ways to encourage ourselves and others to keep practising and to help others to be a good team.


 “I can do hard things.”

"Mistakes are magic!"

“Every time I make a mistake, I get better.”

“I can do anything if I keep trying.”

“Challenges make me stronger.”

PSHE - Managing Self

Why do we have rules?

We talked about our golden rules at school and decided to write some rules for when we go to the farm so we are all safe and happy.

Talk to your child. Ask your child how we stay safe at home, at school, in town , on a trip and when using the internet. 

A message from Elsie!

Elsie Video.MP4

Term 4

Stay & Play

Our Stay and Play sessions are a great way for parents to see the children's learning environment and have a look at their books. Thank you for the great parent partnerships. We are a great TEAM!





PSHE: Building relationships: My family and friends

In this unit, children will learn how we all have different beliefs and celebrations, what characteristics make a good friend, and how we need to listen to one another. This week, we have been remembering special events or festivals could include Diwali, Hanukkah, Solstice, Chinese New Year, Baptisms, weddings or different cultural or familial interpretations of festivals.  This helps the children to understand that we all have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways and to think about the perspectives of others in the class.

PSHE: What Makes a Good Friend?

We decided we need to be kind, good listeners, share, care, take turns, be gentle and have fun to make more friends. 

PSHE: Festivals - Why do people gather together?

How can we show kindness?

This week, we are sharing different ways of showing kindness to others. All of the children thought about this and showed they could share, care, say a kind compliment or act to get on our recognition board. Great work everyone!

PSHE: Democracy- Vote for your favourite book to be read on Friday for World Book Day

We understand what voting means and we voted which book we would like Miss Doohan to read on Friday. The highest vote was the Non -Fiction Book -Animal Facts.

The children understand that the highest vote wins and they have to listen to the book, even if it is not the one they wanted.  

The Non-Fiction book 'Animal Facts' was the most poular.

Our Mindful Monster this term is Sparky. We are learning to be creative in our thinking and learning.


PSHE :ICT: Anti-Bullying Lesson ~ We know how to behave online! 

We do not text unkind words or messages.

If we are sad or worried about what we see on our IPad, we tell a trusted adult.

We have changed our computer area , so the children just have IPads  now. They are learning:

How to use our IPads carefully and safely.

How to use the Apps to learn independently. We have child friendly Apps, that are safe and promote learning. Our favourite is Numbots!

How to stay safe and be kind online, when they are are older.

PSHE :Building Relationships: Special relationships

In this unit, children are learning to explore why families and special people are valuable, understand why it is important to share and develop strategies, see themselves as valuable individual and explore diversity through thinking about similarities and differences.

PSHE :Building Relationships: We are Unique!

After reading 'Giraffes can't dance' the children talked about what they were good at and what interests and hobbies they had. They noticed that some of their friends liked doing the same things and others enjoyed doing different things. We decided it is OK to have different interests because that is what makes us specisl and unique. 

PSHE :Building Relationships: Similar & Difference

We used the parachute to share what we have in common (similar) and what is different (difference). Some children speak different languages and others only speak English. Some children have pets and some children do not. They noticed that some of their friends liked doing the same things and others enjoyed doing different things. We decided it is OK to have different (diversity) because that is what makes us special and unique. 

PSHE :Building Relationships: Sharing

The children listened to a story about sharing and caring. They gave advice to the children in the story about how to share. Then, they went off to their challenges and played games to show that they are ready for Year One because, they can share with each other. 

 retionships: Special relationship

PSHE :Building Relationships: Special relationships

Who do you value at home, in school or in our community?

"Mrs Kent helps me."

Miss Doohan is my trusted adult because she's my teacher."

"I love Nora because she is kind and plays with me."

Ask your child.. Who do you value in your family, at school or in your community?"

Mindful Monster 'Snug' helps us to stay relaxed when faced with a challenge


Christmas Dinner

The children have a family dining experience every day. They choose from a healthy menu, collect their food and are encouraged to use a knife and fork. The children really enjoyed their Christmas dinner this term. 

Stay & Play for Parents, Carers and Family

PSHE ~Self-regulation: My feelings

In this unit, children are learning to explore and understand their feelings, identify when they may be feeling something, and begin learning to communicate and cope with their feelings and emotions. Our mindful monster this term is called 'Giggles'. This monster shows us how to control our feelings and stay positive when faced with a challenge.

Learning objectives

We sang if you're happy and you know it and then changed the song to different adjectives such as sad, angry, cheerful, unhappy, cross, positive, upset, annoyed, delighted, gloomy, frustrated, smiley, miserable, loving, calm, scared, caring, peaceful, nervous, supportive, quiet, anxious, affectionate, still, worried, friendly, relaxed, unsure and furious. We acted out the feeling so the children undertsood the new vocabulary. Some children could explain when they had felt this way. We each descibed how we were feeling today. The children are becoming more confident to explain and express how they are feelng. try this at home. The more we talk about our feelings , the better we can mange them. 

Learning objectives

We made jam jars to match the colour monster feelings abd the children chose which one they wanted to put their name on. We explained it is OK to feel angry or frightened sometimes , but we must tell a trusted adult why we are feeling like that. Then, we can help everyone to feel calm, happy and loved again!

Natalia felt happy because she likes playing with her friends.

Oliver felt sad because someone had not shared the toys. 

Harley- Rose felt loved. 


Today, we all wore our odd socks to learn about Anti-Bullying Week. 

The children learnt about being kind and being a buddy - not a bully. We are all trying to use our kind voices to show that we care and share and we get on the recognition board this week. 

We are having fun playing in the castle.  We take take turns dressing up and using the castle.

This is giggles - our mindful monster to keeps us feeling positive.

TERM 1 - Transition, Golden Rules & Mindful Monster


This week, during D.T, we listened to the story 'Ruby's Worry'. We decide that we needed a monster worry box at home and school so we could tell our trusted adult if we had a worry or wanted to talk about something. Please encourage your child to write their name on a post it and put it in our class worry box. Try this at home to support your child's mental health. Talking really does work! 

Mindful Monsters

Each term the children will be learning about a different mindful monster to support their personal, social and emotional develpment. This term they have learnt all about 'Thinky' our purple monster. Thinky helps us to think carefully about our choices and teaches us to stop, think and concentrate. The children each made a purple monster and talked about how their brain helps them to think. What can your child tell you about Thinky?

Through adult modelling and guidance at lunch time, the children will learn about healthy eating, and start to use a knife and fork independently.

This week, we met our Year 4 buddies. The Year Four children act as role models to encourage the children to form positive relationships, enjoy learning and act out our school values. The children will have this buddy throughout their time at St. Mary's School. 

This week, we have been talking about taking turns. The children are learning to share their toys and take turns when talking, playing or talking during circle time and when lining up.  The child holding the sunflower during our circle time is the person talking and we have to listen. 

The continuous provision is planned weekly to meet the children's interests and support children to meet the Early Learning Goals. 

Through play and adult interaction, the children learn to  stay safe, self regulation, manage self and build trusting relationships. 

This week, the children have enjoyed finding their carpet space, learning the school routine and our golden rules. They had fun making new friends too!

Stay & Play

The children really enjoy sharing their learning environment with their parents and family. Thank you for joining us!