Physical Development

Physical Development and physical activity is vital in children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy and active lives. Gross and fine motor experiences develop incrementally throughout early childhood, starting with sensory explorations and the development of a child’s strength, co-ordination and positional awareness through tummy time, crawling and play movement with both objects and adults. By creating games and providing opportunities for play both indoors and outdoors, adults can support children to develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility. Gross motor skills provide the foundation for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being. Fine motor control and precision helps with hand-eye co-ordination, which is later linked to early literacy. Repeated and varied opportunities to explore and play with small world activities, puzzles, arts and crafts and the practice of using small tools, with feedback and support from adults, allow children to develop proficiency, control and confidence.

Physical Development 

ELG: Gross Motor Skills Children at the expected level of development will:

- Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others.

- Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing.

- Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing. 

ELG: Fine Motor Skills Children at the expected level of development will:

- Hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing.

– using the tripod grip in almost all cases. 

- Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paint brushes and cutlery. 

- Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing. 

Term 5

Balance Bikes 

The children learnt to start by pushing off with their legs, sit up straight with straight arms to improve their core and glide with their feet up to show they could balance and control their weight on the bike. 

Ball Skills - To be able to throw underarm with accuracy, aim and strike.

Ball Skills - To be able to throw, bounce and catch a ball

D.T - Cutting fruit using a knife to make a fruit kebab

Tennis Skills

Ball Skills - To be able to move with confidence whilst holding an object

We have used our new App Imotion to capture our ball skills this week. 

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Untitled (3).mov
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Fine & Gross Motor Challenges - Linked to our theme: Growing

This term, we are encouraging the children to write their full names.

The role play area is a garden centre, so the children have been cutting and folding paper to make flowers. 

Chopping, cutting and mashing herbs to make a dressing. 

This term, the children are being encourgaed to write the numbers 0-10 using correct number formation.

The children are using ladybirds to pick up small objects and count the spots.

Using pincer grasp to write letters neatly so that it can be read easily by others.

Potato printing linked to What the Ladybird Heard and counting.

Term 4

Easter Fine Motor Challenges

P.E : Ball Skills - Throwing and Catching 

We are getting ready for Year 1 by: 

We love our new road.

P.E : Ball Skills - Throwing and Catching 



Balancing - Holding for a count of three. 

Egg roll - Can your child roll back and forward without heir hands?

Jumping safely off small apparatus. 

Fine Motor - Cutting, Peeling grating and chop.

The children had fun using their pencils to follow the Supertato lines.

Fine Motor - Cutting, Peeling grating and chop.

We used our fine motor to use peelers, knives and graters carefully. Great work everyone and well-done, to the children who were brave when they grated their own finger! Mistakes are magic...that's how we learn. Encourage your child to use a knife and fork at home. They could help to peel the veg on Sunday. 

We had fun riding on the bikes this week. It was great to get outside on a sunny day and teach balancing and coordination. Ella let her let shine by balancing really well on the balance bike. Cameron was brave putting his helmet on and pedalling with help. 

Jumping and landing safely.

PE - Gymnastics 

Our inspirational athlete this term is... Beth Tweddle

Lesson 2 - To be able to use different ways of travelling across a bench /small apparatus safely.

Vocabulary: Gymnastics, travelling, balancing, hands, feet ,bench, forwards and backwards.


Pencil roll


Snake slide.

Bear crawl

Lesson 1 - To be able to use different ways of travelling across a gymnastics mat.

Vocabulary: Gymnastics, travelling, balancing, jumping, rolling, sliding and crawling. 

Warm up...

Jumping Jacks

Cool down ...

Fine motor - Make a snowflake.

Throw and catch a snowball.

Push your friend around in a wheelbarrow!

Build a snowman.

Term 2 -Christmas Gross & Fine Motor Challenges!

These activities are planned to encourage the children to move their fingers, which supports how they hold their pencil so they are successful when writing. 

Building a new sleigh for Santa.

Christmas dough disco - make a candy cane and bauble.

Hanging baubles on the  tree.

Santa's Grotto - building.

Wrapping presents.

Spreading icing.

Sprinkling sprinkles.

Scooping and stiring spaghetti. 

Christmas Writing

Each week , we set the children a challenge, in each area of the classroom. The children used their fine motor skills to create their name, just like Elf!

They are being encouraged to use scissors and hold a pencil using a pincer grasp. Then, they tick the chart to show they have met their challenge!

TERM 2 - P.E :Dance

The children have been using their dance skills in the classroom too. They asked for a grand ball, so that they could dress up and dance with their partners. I hope you enjoy watching the videos as much as we did! 


The children used four movements to act out the fairy tale.

The children play games to develop turn-taking, balancing and coordination. 

Can you see Cameron peeping through the net of the parachute?

The children listened carefully, took turns to run through the parachute with their partner. 

Then, we threw it up and all went under together. 

The children watched Gene Kelly dancing in the rain to be inspired to dance. We listened to music to interpret the music and be inspired to move. 

Theo made his dance move to show he was worried.

During the warm up, we talked about feelings and different characters so we could act  and dance out how we felt being Cinderella, the price or the wicked step sisters. 

Raffi looked happy like the prince. 

The children worked together to take turns and share their dance moves.

TERM 1 - Fundamental Movements

We read a book about Mo Farah to be inspired to run fast.

This week, became jungle animals during P.E and moved around the hall using animal movements. Can you spot an elephant, worm, monkey or crab?

The children used their listening and team skills playing a kagan partner game of going to the jungle. They followed their partner and copied their movements. 

This week, we have been developing our fine motor control by writing and cutting. By using scissors to cut along the line the children had to focus carefully and use their hand and eye coordination too!  

During P.E we played a looking game called traffic lights and rabbit holes. The children had to look to see which traffic light was on (red =stop, amber=get ready and green = move safely around the hall. The children worked well with their partners to travel safely, stop  and remember where their rabbit hole was. 

The children are encouraged to go to the fine motor activities. This week we have been threading and cutting. 

This week, we have completed our Cosmic Yoga and started our daily mile.

The children have enjoyed getting their flingers ready to draw and write with our fun dough disco.

They copied an artist to draw a person. 

The children enjoyed creating an obstacle course using the large apparatus outside. 

The children have a dough disco lesson every morning to develop their fine motor skills. This helps them to hold a pencil, cut with scissors and use a knife and fork. 

This week , we practiced walking, hopping, skipping and jumping  during PE.  The children completed a warm up game called 'Wiggly Whoo' and then played a train game. They worked really well with their carpet partners.