Expressive Arts and Design

Expressive Arts and Design The development of children’s artistic and cultural awareness supports their imagination and creativity. It is important that children have regular opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. The quality and variety of what children see, hear and participate in is crucial for developing their understanding, self-expression, vocabulary and ability to communicate through the arts. The frequency, repetition and depth of their experiences are fundamental to their progress in interpreting and appreciating what they hear, respond to and observe. 

Expressive Arts and Design 

ELG: Creating with Materials Children at the expected level of development will: 

- Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.

- Share their creations, explaining the process they have used.

 - Make use of props and materials when role playing characters in narratives and stories. 

ELG: Being Imaginative and Expressive Children at the expected level of development will

- Invent, adapt and recount narratives and stories with peers and their teacher.

 - Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs.

- Perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others, and – when appropriate – try to move in time with music. 

Term 5 - Growing

D.T - Scarecrow Biscuits

I"m a Dingle Dangle Scarecrow....

We made scarecrow biscuits  and sang the song too! 

Handa's Surprise

We made a fruit basket, and carried it on our heads, just like Handa!

Dancing Daffodils

Van Gogh - Sunflowers

We have learnt some facts about the famous artist. What does your child remember?

Why is Vincent Van Gogh famous?

How many paintings did Van Gogh sell when he was alive?

What was the name of his friend that he painted the sunflowers for?

What is a gallery?

Which paintings are portraits and which are landscapes?

Which is your favourite painting and why?

"I like this painting because I like these flowers." - Teo

"I like this one because I like the sunflowers."

We used our new App J2 data to make a bar chart of our favourite painting. 

Which one was the most popular painting in our class? 


This week, we have been learning how to sketch using the techniques - hatching, cross hatching, circulisim and stippling. We will use these sketinging skills to sketch a sunflower.we 

Sketching a Sunflower

Observational Painting of a Sunflower

Our Gallery

We invited parents and family members to come to our gallery:

Music : Tuned and untuned Instruments

Music : Big Band

We have been making musical instruments to play in our class band.

Our band is called 'School of Rock'.

Can your child explain how they made it and what sound it makes?


Term 4

Poetry Recital  - The Life Cycle of a Butterfly 

Easter Song - Chick, Chick, Chick, Chicken


Easter Bunny 

We set the children a tough challenge this week. They were asked to draw around their hand, cut it our carefully to create an Easter bunny.

Amazing Animals - Animal  Headbands - Cutting skills

Amazing Animals - Caterpillar (paper folding, colouring)

Music & Movement - Teddy Bears Picnic/ We are going on a bear hunt...

The children had fun learning the song and moving around the room showing a different emotion. Can you guess which feeling they were showing?

Then, we went to the music room and chose different instruments to make the sounds to match what was happening in the story.


Amazing Animals - Painting skills 

D.T - Orgami (paper folding cat)

See the link below if you want to see hjow your child created their cat.


The Year 4 buddies were such great support helping the children to paper fold and create their own origami cat.

Amazing Animals - Cutting Skills

Amazing Animals - Designing a house for a pet

Term 3

People who help us. We painted pictures.

Poetry - Pirate Pete


Poetry - Pirate Pete


D.T - Make a bird feeder

Art - Use your skills; draw, cut and stick to create your own Supertato.

D.T - Design and make a superhero wand

We had fun using our assembling skills to make a superhero wand.

First, we made our wands.

Next, we talked about what we made.

Finally we shared our ideas. We are starting to evaluate our designs. 


D.T - Assembling Techniques

The children are learning different vways of assembling paper and fastenings. Great ideas everyone! We will be using these to become more creative!



Today, the children enjoyed using our new music wall and singing action songs during our music lesson.

During our music lesson the children sang action songs and have been learning about beat, dynamics and tempo.

They used traffic lights to show if the music was fast - green , moderate- yellow or slow -red.


Art - Winter fork paintings

Art - Sculpture - Clay

To explore clay and its properties. 

This week, we made a ''Morph' using clay. the children enjoyed feeling the clay, making shapes and creating their own sculpture. Then, we watched an episode of Morph. 

Great creations everyone!

Term 2 

Our Nativity

The children really enjoyed performing the songs and moving in time with music during our Nativity.

Christmas Elves

The children were set another challenge...Can you make yourself as an Elf?

A Selfie!

Chrsitmas Crafts

Buddy cards

The children used rosemary to create their own tree.

Wrapping gifts.

The Nativity

The children were set a challenge...

Create one of the people or animals who were at the Nativity when Jesus was born. Can you guess which they chose?


D.T - Boat Challenge...

This week, I set the children a challenge...

Teo decided that he needed a waterproof sail next time!

     Great work everyone!

Term 2 - Art ~ Painting & mixed media: Paint my World

Painting to Musicsing paint to record emotional responses to different pieces of music, creating exciting and expressive aintings. 

Learning objectives

We listened to different styles of music. Some loud, some soft, some fast and some slow.

We talked about how it made us feel and move.

We listened to each track and changed our brush strokes to match to the music. 

Great work!

Outdoor Painting 

Learning objectives

Finger Painting 

Learning objectives

Discuss the fact that everyone chose to paint something different and that all the paintings are unique. Introduce the words abstract and figurative:

Abstract – a piece of art that does not represent an object and is not trying to show any one particular thing.

Figurative – a piece of art that shows a particular object, for example a boat, a dog or a beach.

"My finger painting is figurative because it is the sea and sky." - Auree

" I like making patterns, what's that called?" - Elsie

"We call that abstract Elsie. "- Miss Doohan

Term 1 - D.T /Art~Drawing: Marvelous Marks

This week, during D.T, we listened to the story 'Ruby's Worry'. We decide that we needed a monster worry box at home and school so we could tell our trusted adult if we had a worry or wanted to talk about something. First we looked at lots of ideas and then, we watched our teacher choose different materials and taught us how to assemble them onto the box using glue stick, runny glue, staples or tape. Then, we all made one to take home. Please encourage your child to write their name on a post it and put it in our class worry box. Try this at home to support your child's mental health. Talking really does work! Great designs everyone!

For our final Art lesson this term, we looked at different artist self portraits and choose which one we liked. Then, the children chose if they wanted to use dull realistic pastel colours or bright unrealistic pastel colours for their own artwork. 

Learning objectives

" I like that one (pointing to Vincent Van Gogh) because it looks like my dad!" - Raffi

"I like the bright colours." - Ella

This week we continued our work on observation and worked on drawing our faces. First, we looked in a mirror to look closely at our features and then we drew the other half of our face. The children named each part of the face and learnt the word 'Self Portrait'. 

Learning objectives

Great work!

Today, we had our first formal Art lesson. the children were taught to look closely at a flower and use art pencils to complete an observational drawing of a flower. 

Look at our wonderful creations. 

The children had fun using natural materials to create patterns called Transient Art.

Transient art is quite simply art that is not fixed or permanent. It is often a collection of objects that are arranged in a certain way only for a fleeting moment of time. This type of art is perfect for children, as they can construct and deconstruct artworks over and over. This kind of art is brilliant for children that enjoy positioning schemas (placing objects next to each other).It is a very simple and child-friendly form of art. 

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Update Privacy Settings This week, the children had fun  listening to the 'Owl baby' story and acting out the story using our story basket. Then, they made their own owl baby puppets with Mrs. Fishburn. We hope you like our first display.  Can your child explain which materials they used to make their puppet?

This week the children have enjoyed sharing their drawings in their bear books, painting with watercolours,  acting out stories and singing.

Poetry - Pirate Pete