Communication and Language

Communication and Language The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development. Children’s back-and-forth interactions from an early age form the foundations for language and cognitive development. The number and quality of the conversations they have with adults and peers throughout the day in a language-rich environment is crucial. By commenting on what children are interested in or doing, and echoing back what they say with new vocabulary added, practitioners will build children's language effectively. Reading frequently to children, and engaging them actively in stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems, and then providing them with extensive opportunities to use and embed new words in a range of contexts, will give children the opportunity to thrive. Through conversation, story-telling and role play, where children share their ideas with support and modelling from their teacher, and sensitive questioning that invites them to elaborate, children become comfortable using a rich range of vocabulary and language structures. 

Communication and Language 

ELG: Listening, Attention and Understanding Children at the expected level of development will: 

- Listen attentively and respond to what they hear with relevant questions, comments and actions when being read to and during whole class discussions and small group interactions.

- Make comments about what they have heard and ask questions to clarify their understanding.

- Hold conversation when engaged in back-and-forth exchanges with their teacher and peers. 

ELG: Speaking Children at the expected level of development will

- Participate in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary.

- Offer explanations for why things might happen, making use of recently introduced vocabulary from stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems when appropriate.

- Express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses and making use of conjunctions, with modelling and support from their teacher. 

Term 5 - Growing


The children are learning new vocabulary to use during their conversations when playing in the continuous provision activities and role play area. They are using these words to help them to write sentences. 

The Scarecrows Wedding  

The children learnt the vocabulary - geese , gosling, pail, frown and steep. can the explain the meanings and use these words in full sentences?

Save the Planet!

We are talking about recycling and what we can do to help in school and at home. 

Recycle centre

Car wash

Sorting materials.

Recycling robots.

Handa's Surprise & Oliver's Vegetables

Why are we reading books about fruit and vegetables?

What was Oliver looking for in Grandpa's vegetable patch?

Which fruits did Handa put in her basket?


We read fiction and Non Fiction books to learn new vocabulary and facts so that we can  answer questions.

What the Ladybird Heard

This book is encouraging the children to listen very carefully, because Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len didn't listen and so they were tricked by the animals at the farm.

Term 4

A Visit to our Library

Every Friday, we will go to the library to learn how to be calm and quiet, when choosing and reading a book. When the children show that they are responsible, they will take a book back to the classroom. Then, they may bring one home. 

Non-Fiction -The Life Cycle of a Butterfly & Fiction - The Hungry Caterpillar

This is the poem we will be sharing with you during our poetry recital on Tuesday 26th March during our Stay & play session. We hope you can join us!

Role Play - Vets & Continuous Provision

Our role play area and Continuous Provision Activities provide time to talk and develop their language and sentence structure.

World Book Day -Wear Pj's or come as your favourite character.

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The children were asked to send in a photograph of themselves reading a book in an usual place. Well, Everley certainly did just that! We voted for our favourite photo...

Yes Everley won!

We met up with our Year 4 buddies to read. and make origami animals.

Amazing Animals

This term, we are talking about animals and learning facts and new vocabulary. They are using these words in the role play area, which is a pet shop this week and our planned continuous activities. 

Term 3 

People Who Help Us/When I grow up I want to be a...

The children had fun learning about different jobs and decided what they might want to be when they are grown up. 

We talked about phoning 999 or 101 if it was an emergency - this is only if your parent or carer annot make the call themselves. 

Stay & Play

Thank you for joining us again.

Fiction - Superworm & Non-Fiction -Bird Watching

The children listened to this story and learnt some new vocabulary. We will use this when we access the challenges.

We begin the week looking at two different books/texts and learning new vocabulary. 


We read the story and talked about what happpend and what the new vocabulary means. 

We read different stories linked to the characters in Supertato. 

We talked about the different endings and why Evil Pea was a wanted vegetable.

Acting out the story using the new vocabulary.

Superheroes/Superhero Day!

We have had fun learning all about Superheroes. We have looked at books and had lots fun activities to learn new vocabulary. Dantastic came in to talk to teach us facts about all the different superheroes and told us to be superheroes we need to:

Pay attention.

Be brave.

Be kind.

Gender equality.

Be unique.

Share your talents.

Stay safe at home, at school and on the internet.

Read and write to be smart.

But most of all... Help people!



Pirate Pete by James Carter

This week, the children learnt a fun poem about a pirate. They enjoyed playing with the treasure box and learning actions to remember the poem. The children will be  rewarded with chocolate gold coins for learning this long poem at the end of the term.... 


The children have been learning all about Winter. They have been introduced to Fiction and Non- Fiction books to learn more about what happens when the seasons change. We are encouraging the children to speak in full sentences this term , using extended vocabulary when answering questions or sharing experiences. 

TERM 2 - Once Upon a Time.../Christmas

Our Nativity

The children all let their light shine during our Nativity.  Great speaking, listening and singing!

Poetry - Here it Comes by Matt Goodfellow


Christmas reading and challenges!

Elfy arrived today! We will be doing lots of exciting activities.

He has set us some more challenges to encourage the children to read and talk more.

Elfy has been up to lots of mischief! He even sent a hot chocolate stand for the children. They enjoyed making pretend hot chocolate for each other and on Friday , the elf sent real hot chocolate as a treat!

It is the count down to Christmas....


Elfy wrote us a letter. 

We need to be good at school and home because Elfy is reporting back to Santa!

Jack and the Beanstalk

This week, we arrived to find a giant beanstalk had grown in the castle. We found a letter from the giant asking us to read his story and paint pictures of other giants because he was feeling lonely and to order the story using pictures and letters. So...we did! On Friday, we were surprised to find a thank you letter and some gold coins from the giant.  We can eat them after our Nativity as a treat. Yum yum!

A dragon arrived in the classroom this week. The children have enjoyed having a banquet in the role play area and sitting on the throne. It has been wonderful watching them act, play, talk and share with each other. Mts Turton came to read a story to us!

Online Safety

Today, the children went to the hall to listen to an ICT - Safeguarding Assembly. They listened to s story called 'Chicken Clicking' and the chicken did not follow the ICT safety code.

She went online because the farmer had not put on a parent password so the chicken bought lots of things for her animal farm friends.

Then, she put a photograph of herself and shared her name and age online. She thought she was talking to another friend chicken but it was really a bad fox!

Talk to your children when they start to use a computer or IPad at home. Ask your child:

Do we ever share our passwords?

Why not?

Do we ever use our name or age or personal information online?

Why not?

The children heled 'Alex' (a pretend person) with an online scenario. They listened to his problem - He had been playing a game online and had fallen out with his friend and been unkind. The children decided that he could stop playing the game, take a deep breathe and then he must tell a trusted adult. We thought of who we would tell if we felt worried, sad or unsafe at school or home.

Talk to your child at home to ask - "Who is your trusted adult?  This encourages the children to talk and reminds them that we are a 'telling school' because it keeps the children safe.

This week, we read Goldilocks and the three bears. We looked at two different versions to spot the differences and predict what would happen. Both books started with - Once upon a time. The first book started with Goldilocks making wrong choices. The second book started with the bears making the porridge. We acted out the story and used different voices for the characters. 

Marlee was Goldilocks. 

We used the bears to act out the story. 

"Should Goldilocks walk into the Three Bears House?" - Miss Doohan

"'s not safe!" - Harley Rose. 

"What advice would you give to Goldilocks?"- Miss Doohan

"I would tell Goldilocks not to eat the porridge. " - Theodore

"I would say, do not sit on the chairs." - Everley

Snack and chat with our buddies

The children hold conversation when engaged in back-and-forth exchanges with their teacher, peers and their role model - year four buddies.. 

Our theme is 'Once upon a time'... so we read two different traditional stories. One was about a girl called Cinderella and one was about a boy called Prince Cinders. The children had to retell the story and say which parts were the same and which parts were different.  The children learnt the word -teasing and wrong. We decided that the step sister were unkind to Cinderella and the hairy brothers were teasing Prince Cinders. During our assembly about anti-bullying the children made links and decided that if the step sisters and hairy brothers continued to tease then they would be called bullies.

TERM 1 - All About Me

This week , we read 'Room on the Broom' and acted out the story. The children learnt new vocabulary, grinned, clambered, shrieked and spluttered. 

They had lots of fun making potions in the messy tray and reading the CVC words. 

The children had their first poetry lesson and listened to the poem, 'The Big Green Crocodile' by Jane Newberry. 

We chose actions to help us to remember the words and performed it as a team. 

Great work!

Poetry - The Big , Green Crocodile by Jane Newbury

First, we learnt the words and actions and then we performed it.


Then, we painted the animals.

The Best Part of Me!

This week we read 'Super Duper You.' and other books for body positivity and to teach that we are all different but all unique.  The children then chose their best part, took a photograph and explained using full sentences why they liked that part of their body. Super speaking and listening everyone!

This week, we read the story 'Funny Bones' and acted out the story. Then, we sang 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' to learn all the different parts of our bodies. 

This week, we have listened to the teacher reading the book, Owl Babies to develop the children's vocabulary. This has encouraged the children to sit and listen carefully without interruping, they have been encouraged to put their hand up to ask questions and also it has started a great discussion about how we feel about leaving our parents and carers every morning.  

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This week we are focusing on being an active listener. The children have listened to a story and have learnt our little saying, 

"Eyes looking, ears listening and our hands are in our basket." 

Then, we watched a clip to help us to become a 'Whole Body Listener!"

All the children had their photograph put on our Recognition Board to show good listening this week. Our treat was a walk around their new school on Friday during our social time. What a fantastic first week!

We shared our Bear Books and named our bears. Great listening everyone!