Experiencing and Understanding Buddhism

Ana Dominique Kimwell, Johnathan Ly, David Pitterle

My (Ana) journey in Nepal, particularly my time volunteering at the Basic Monastery School in Pokhara, has been a profound exploration of learning, service, and the intersection of Buddhist concepts with everyday life. Teaching English to seventh-grade students was not just an exchange of language skills but a bridge connecting hearts. As I stood before the eager faces, their enthusiasm and genuine curiosity made every lesson memorable. The engagement was palpable, creating an environment where learning was a shared experience of growth. 

The most impactful moments were when the seventh graders presented me with heartfelt letters before my departure. Their words echoed gratitude and a deep understanding of compassion, influenced by the teachings from Pachok Rinpoche's "Awakening Dignity" book. These letters became treasured tokens, reminding me of the lasting impact a dedicated teacher can have on young minds. 

In the backdrop of the monastery school, the significance of Buddhist concepts and Tibetan culture unfolded. The daily rituals, meditations, and talks created a holistic learning environment. The Awakening Dignity book served as a guiding light, weaving threads of impermanence and compassion into the fabric of my experiences. It was not just a book; it became a compass navigating the complexities of life and human connections. 

The visual elements were equally compelling. The school's decor adorned with Buddha images reflected the essence of the teachings. The student's commitment to prayer, using the rosary to chant "Om Mani Padme Hum," added a spiritual dimension to our collective journey. It showcased their dedication to embodying compassion and understanding impermanence, concepts that resonated with the teachings I had imparted. 

The desire for me to revisit the school was not merely a formality but a testament to the profound impact of our shared experiences. The impermanence of my presence became a lesson in itself, emphasizing the transient nature of relationships and the importance of cherishing each moment. In the words of Pachok Rinpoche from "Awakening Dignity": "Compassion is the root of all the activities of the Buddhas” (Rinpoche and Wu). The letters, the rosary, and the heartfelt engagement of the seventh graders exemplified this truth. The interconnectedness of our experiences underscored the transformative power of compassion, fostering a sense of unity that transcended cultural and linguistic boundaries. 

My time in Nepal is more than a personal journey; it is a shared narrative of growth, understanding, and the profound impact that compassion-centered education can have in shaping the future. The lessons learned from the seventh graders and the Awakening Dignity book continue to resonate, echoing the timeless wisdom of impermanence and the enduring power of compassion.

Ana capturing cherished moments with the amazing 7th graders in their classroom

Photo Credit: Ana Dominique Kimwell

Ana received a heartwarming farewell letters from the amazing 7th graders

Photo Credit: Ana Dominique Kimwell

Ana received heartfelt gifts from the amazing 7th graders

Photo Credit: Ana Dominique Kimwell