Daejeon & Seoul

South Korea

JAN 412
Creative Geniuses or Hard Workers: Innovation Insights from South Korea

Travel dates: Saturday Jan 4, 2024 - Sunday, Jan 19, 2025.

Tina Xiaotian Zhang, xz4@stmarys-ca.edu
Yung-Jae Lee, ylee@stmarys-ca.edu

Information Sessions

Upper Division Course

General Travel Requirements

Note: Failure to complete one or more of the above requirements will result in an immediate drop from the course. Once registered, all course fees are non-refundable. 

Course Description

South Korea is currently ranked as the world’s most innovative country, beating out countries like Japan, Germany, USA, and China. This Course, “Creative Geniuses or Hard Workers: Innovation Insights from South Korea,” is designed to raise awareness of the culture of Creativity and Innovation in South Korea as well as other Asian countries. Special attention is placed on what makes Korean culture so innovative – are they a highly creative people or is it rooted in a hardworking Asian culture? We look at the role of national culture in two of Korea’s best known creative industries, namely electronics, Kpop and online gaming, to more deeply understand the local and global business contexts that have made companies like Samsung, Hyundai, MBC, and NCSoft, some of the most innovative in the world. We will also compare and contrast Korea and other nations (China and USA) on innovation, to better understand how national systems of innovation are created. 

Participants will learn about Korean creativity and innovation through international immersion, lectures by local professors and industry experts in Korea, interactions with local Korean students, visits to Seoul-based electronics and game development companies, and meetings with Korean innovators, gamers, and business leaders. Participants are expected to deepen their understanding about: 


Reading List (A): Cases (TBD)

Reading List (B): Articles

Reading List (C): Videos

Learning Methods

A large part of this course is experiential, with an inductive learning model. You will have intensive experiences you could not have in the traditional classroom setting. These experiences will deepen your understanding and provide the stimulus for critical reflection about managerial lessons, cultural experiences and life experiences that will broaden your insights as a manager.

Participation is expected to help both your learning and that of your peers. Please come prepared by completing assigned readings. Attend all the modules and events, participate during the class sessions and the company visits.


The course requirements consist of individual article assignments, individual reflection paper, group project and class participation. The relative weights of these components are as follows:

Groups consist of a maximum of 6 students

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, the students will be able to:

Dates & Fees


Saturday Jan 4, 2024 - Sunday, Jan 19, 2025

More details forthcoming...

Course Fee:

Specific course fee to be announced...
Learn about the Jan Term Travel Scholarship for additional funding!

The price includes airfare, lodging, local transportation, most meals, museum admissions, partner university fees, and travel insurance.