London & Paris

EnglaNd & France

JAN 404
History of Science: London & Paris

Travel dates: Thusday, Jan. 9 - Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025

Valerie Burke,

Information Sessions

Upper Division Course

General Travel Requirements

Note: Failure to complete one or more of the above requirements will result in an immediate drop from the course. Once registered, all course fees are non-refundable. 

Course Description

This course focuses on the history of Western science (from Copernicus to the late 20th century) and includes travel to London and Paris to visit sites that were central to scientific discoveries and developments in astronomy, chemistry, physics, geology, biology, and more. Readings give an account of the history of science for a lay audience, while the class periods will emphasize the relevant scientific concepts. We will explore some cultural and religious factors that promoted or prevented particular scientific discoveries. And we will consider the impact of various scientific discoveries within the framework of knowledge at the time of discovery. By visiting important sites and artifacts in London and Paris, we will bring to life the history of science.


Reading Materials

Gribbin, John. The Scientists: A History of Science Told Through the Lives of its Greatest Inventors. Random House Books, 2004.

Optional: Sobel, Dava. Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time. Bloomsbury USA, 2007.

Other reading materials as provided

Class Participation (20%)
Learning Outcomes 6 and 7 directly, all L.O.s indirectly

Students are expected to complete all of the readings before coming to class, and to arrive prepared and ready to engage with the class. While abroad, students are expected to participate fully in group activities and discussions. Your class participation grade will be influenced by the following factors:

Daily Worksheets (10%)
Learning Outcomes 1, 2, and 3

Worksheets will be provided for each on-campus class period, with questions to focus the reading.

Examination (30%)
Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 5

The exam will cover both the history of science as well as the scientific content of those discoveries. Students will be responsible for the material in the readings, regardless of whether they are discussed in class, and for the material discussed in class, even if no reading is provided. Sample questions will be provided.

“Tour Guide” Presentation on One Location in London or Paris (10%)
Learning Outcomes 4, 5, 7

Before we travel, students will be assigned one location on which they will prepare a 5-10 minute oral presentation. During the trip, students will give a presentation to the class before we visit that location. Be the tour guide! Further details will be provided.

Reflection Papers (30%)
Learning Outcomes 4, 5, and 7

While traveling, students will compose multiple reflection papers to analyze and contextualize the sites we visit and/or the artifacts with which we engage. Further details will be provided.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, the students will be able to:

Dates & Fees

Tentative On-Campus Course Schedule

 (full details will be maintained on Canvas site)

Travel dates

The tentative plan is to depart SFO on Thursday January 9, and return to SFO on Saturday, January 25. This 15-night trip is shorter than some other travel courses, but includes on-campus readings and discussions to lay the foundation for scientific understanding and prepare for the various sites we will visit.

Course Fee:

Specific course fee to be announced...
Learn about the Jan Term Travel Scholarship for additional funding!

The price includes airfare; hotel; ground transportation; per diem for meals or group meals; admission to all course-related sites; tour guide (for a few days); tips for drivers, hotel staff, etc.; and travel insurance.