

JAN 400
DIRT-y work in the brazilian amazon

Travel dates: Sunday, Jan. 5 - Friday, Jan. 24, 2025

Shawny Anderson,
Jesse Wheeler,

Information Sessions

3-CU + 1-CU EL
Upper Division Course

General Travel Requirements

Note: Failure to complete one or more of the above requirements will result in an immediate drop from the course. Once registered, all course fees are non-refundable. 

Course Description

Since 2002, SMC groups have traveled to disaster zones or areas of extreme need to work in collaboration with those communities as they take the next steps they have planned to improve their own quality of life. Under the acronym DIRT (Dismantle, Immerse, Reflect, Transform), we participate in direct manual labor alongside members of the communities in which we live. In the Brazilian Amazon, we live in a small ecotourism camp in a remote community, where we sleep in hammocks every night, eat the foods that our local hosts eat, and walk to our worksites in the beautiful Amazon rainforest. Our past projects in our Amazon home include development of a community garden (including a "living pharmacy" of medicinal plants), construction of a community chicken coop, extension of a shared "fish farm," construction of a "fish food factory" to support the fish farm, construction work in the ecotourism camp along with promotion of it, reforestation efforts, water and sanitation work, and documentation of our own experiences and the lives of our hosts. We will prepare for our trip during three overnight retreats on the SMC campus in Fall 2024, then gather ahead of our departure for our final training and packing pushes, complete our final video projects upon our return to Moraga, then present our work to the SMC community (along with family and friends) in Spring 2025.

Note: This course fulfills the Engaged Learning core requirement.




The course consists of five primary parts, each worth 20% of the final grade. Each part will contribute to the overall evaluation of the student. Criteria for assessment of excellent performance include:

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, the students will:

Learning Outcomes for Engaged Learning. By the end of this course, the students will:

Dates & Fees


Sunday, Jan. 5 - Friday, Jan. 24, 2025

More details forthcoming...

Course Fee:

Specific course fee to be announced...
Learn about the Jan Term Travel Scholarship for additional funding!

The price includes all travel, lodging, and food, but does not include food in airports, souvenirs, and possible travel shot costs (depending upon insurance).