Star of the Week

Here are the students and what week they will be Star of the Week. Posters will be sent home one week before their special week. Please email me if you have any questions. 

Week of September 18th-22nd: Maya 

Week of September 25th-29th: Dakota

Week of October 9th-13th: Izabella

Week of October 16th-20th: Ryan

Week of October 23rd-27th: Lux

Week of November 6th-10th: Owen

Week of November 13th-17th: Hazel

Week of December 4th-8th: Josie

Week of December 11th-15th: Maddie

Week of January 8th-12th: Matthew

Week of January 22nd-26th: Ethan

Week of March 4th-8th: Beckham

Week of March 18th-22nd: Quinn

Week of April 8th - 12th: Paul

Week of April 15th - 19th: Gabriel

Star of the Week

Beginning on Monday, September 19th, we will be having a “Star of the Week”. The star of the week will have an opportunity to have one special week to be a “STAR”. Your child will be a line leader plus other fun recognition. One week before your child is the star of the week, a poster will be sent home. This poster is how we will recognize your child during their special week. Drawings, stickers, lots of color, etc. on the poster are wonderful and you can even add actual pictures to the poster as well! I will have these posters laminated when they are returned to you to keep as a special memento in the years to come. *Please note: if you do use actual pictures on the poster, keep in mind that the poster will be laminated.*

On Monday of your child’s special week, I would like him/her to bring their decorated poster to be put on display in our classroom. They will then present their poster to the entire class.

On Tuesday, 3-4 items may be brought in to share with the class (a favorite toy, trophy, item from a vacation, etc.). 

On Wednesday, please bring in your favorite book that I (Miss Malecki) or your child would like to read to the class (it must be age appropriate).

Optional: On Thursday, a special treat may be brought in that we will celebrate during snack time. Please keep this treat nut free. Some examples of treats may include but are not limited to rice krispy treats, fruit snacks, brownies, etc.

On Friday, parents are more than welcome to visit our classroom and plan a game/activity/read aloud for the entire class (Please note: You must be safeguarded in order to come into the classroom). Some ideas may include a class-wide BINGO game or reading a story and doing a simple craft that goes along with it. You will be able to come in anytime after 1:45pm and will have the remainder of the day (until around 2:25pm) to share this special time with your child and their classmates. If this time does not work for you, please let me know and we can plan a different time during your child’s star of the week. Let’s help to make each child’s week a very special one; a time for your child to have a chance to share the people they love most with their classmates.