First Grade Discipline Policy

Lifelong success depends on self-discipline. My classroom discipline plan gives every student the opportunity to manage his or her behavior. This in turn gives every student in the class the chance to learn in a positive classroom environment.

Basic Rules:

  1. Be a good listener and follow directions

  2. Show respect and kindness to others

  3. No teasing, yelling, or name calling

  4. Make good choices

  5. Work quietly

  6. Always raise your hand before speaking

  7. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself


  1. Verbal reminders (green, yellow, orange, and red clip chart system is used): Please note: I am a firm believer that we all make mistakes and that we can always learn something from our mistakes. With that said, my students will be allowed to also move their clip chart up and down a color throughout the day. What that means is: if they make a mistake, they have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and improve their behavior before the end of the day.

  2. Five-minute time out at recess if on red before lunch

  3. No recess if on red 3 consecutive days

  4. An email to parents will be made if warranted

Severe misbehavior, such as fighting, verbal abuse, or profanity will not be tolerated and will result in being sent to the principal. This is stated in your handbook.

To encourage students to follow rules and be good students, I believe in reinforcing appropriate behaviors with praise, positive notes sent home, rewards, extra fun times and more PRAISE.

I have discussed this policy with the children. I would appreciate it if you could review this at home with your child and sign and return the form to school by Wednesday, September 9th. Thank you for your support and cooperation.

God Bless,

Miss Malecki