Rep. Responsibilities


The Board is made up of representatives from each student activity fee-paying College for Adults program at St. Kate’s. Each program gets up to two votes, though they can provide more than two students representatives. The students in each program have the responsibility of selecting representatives each year.

CFA SAB represents the perspective and voice of the CFA student body to the University. In this capacity, representatives are asked to serve on University-wide committees and provide input on behalf of the CFA student experience, as needed. Examples include hiring of administrators (ex: hiring committee for the Provost), dining committee, Integrated Learning Series committee, etc. When these opportunities arise, the CFA SAB advisor will bring them to the Board to ask for volunteers to serve.

CFA SAB Meetings

The College for Adults Student Advisory Board meets once a month during the fall and spring semesters. CFA SAB typically meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 4:45 - 6 pm. These meetings are sometimes moved up by one week if it is the end of the semester. Meetings are virtually over Zoom. Representatives are expected to attend and participate in each meeting.

Representatives are expected to provide updates on the program to the Board at each meeting. They can also come the meetings with questions or concerns and seek feedback from other College for Adults students/programs.


Newly appointed representatives should make sure that they have connected with the CFA SAB advisor to be given access to Board resources and added to the CFA SAB email list. The CFA SAB advisor can be reached at


The CFA SAB receives its funds from a portion of the College for Adults student activity fee. These funds are held in the CFA SAB budget and are used to pay for the Professional Development Grant, support resources for CFA students (ex: Access & Success Emergency Grants, Adopt-A-Family program), and activities for the CFA community (ex: Dew Drop Bop funding).