Clubs and Organizations

Current College for Adults Clubs

College for Adults Student Nurses Association

The purpose of the Student Nurses Association for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing in the College for Adults is to provide a forum for community building and professional development for nursing students in the CFA nursing program. The goals of the club are to be an inclusive environment to provide extra programming and support to the adult nursing students.

Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA) (OTA Online)

St. Catherine University Student Occupational Therapy Assistant Association will provide leadership, educational growth, professional development and OT Advocacy opportunities to the students enrolled in the OTA Online Program and those who follow. Through active SOTA participation we will strive to empower our fellow OTA students by promoting growth in all occupations and increasing our knowledge of occupational therapy. We will facilitate camaraderie through social activities, community involvement, and mentorship of future occupational therapy students.

Re-Chartering Form

Each fall, current graduate clubs and organizations need to submit the re-chartering paperwork to the CFA SAB via email. The deadline is typically in mid-October.

Starting a New Club for College for Adults Students

If you are interested in starting a new club for College for Adults students, you will need to complete and submit the chartering form linked below. You will also need to create a constitution to be submitted with the form. Once you have completed the chartering paperwork and constitution, please email it to for review.

At a minimum, you will need five interested students and a faculty or staff advisor.

Questions about starting a new club should be directed to

Chartering Form

Interested students needs to submit the chartering paperwork to have their proposed club reviewed and voted upon by the CFA SAB.

Club Constitution

Each club is required to create and submit a club constitution. A model constitution is provided to help with the creation of your club's constitution.