Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

The RCIA process is for adults who wish to find out more about the Catholic faith, and if so called, become Catholic. This includes anyone who has no religious affiliation, those who come from other faith traditions as well as other Christians, and those who are Catholic but have not received the Sacraments of Communion or Confirmation. Depending on your past, such as your baptismal status, the RCIA process differs slightly for each individual. 

Each of the stages of the RCIA journey is marked by formation, sharing, personal choice for continued commitment, then celebration of a rite. The full RCIA process follows this sequence:

Inquiry (Pre-Catechumenate)

In this first stage you are called an Inquirer. This is a time to ask questions, reflect on the answers and decide if you want to continue on this path. Those who wish to continue celebrate the Rite of Acceptance/Welcoming.


This is the primary learning phase of the RCIA process. Class time is spent on a deeper presentation of the Catholic Faith. During Sunday Mass individuals are dismissed to study the scripture readings and their application to life. This phase ends near the time of Lent and is marked by the celebration of the Rite of Election.

Period of Purification and Enlightenment

The focus of the third stage is the individual’s spiritual growth. It coincides with the season of Lent where all the people of the Church are preparing for the joy of Easter. The phase ends with the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.


During the Season of Easter you are known as a neophyte, meaning ‘new plant’. You are encouraged to nourish and grow your faith to help it take root in the community, just as a seedling in a new garden must be watered and fertilized to produce its harvest. You are now a full contributing member of the Catholic Church.

If you are interested in attending RCIA classes or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!