3D Art

Video of Bobble Head installation.

Bobble Heads SJ1.mov

Year 7

Paper Clay sculpture

Bobble Heads

In-between lockdowns Year 7 Edwards students were given the opportunity to create their own 3D sculpture using paper clay and posca markers.

Donald Barr

7 Edwards

Mitchell Moore

7 Edwards

Samuel Atkinson

7 Edwards

Roman Genovesi

7 Edwards

Jacob Ghobril

7 Edwards

Shaun Beard

7 Edwards

Elliot Robinson

7 Edwards

Tyler Allen

7 Edwards

Riley Wilson

7 Edwards

Noah Seraphim

7 Edwards

Lucas Uyar

7 Edwards

Emmanuel Makarios

7 Edwards

Animal Sculptures - Air Dry Clay

Ashton Chambers

7 O'Sullivan

Finn Hayman

7 Edwards

Kobie Sutherland

Year 8

Lock down robot sculpture

Gus Ryan

Creative Arts - Flat lay artwork with found objects

Year 9

During lock down students were asked to complete a number creative tasks using found objects from the home,

Jarrah McAlpine

Mandala Design - 7 Prest

Timothy Liddelow

Mandala Design - 7 Prest