Classroom Visits

According to the Michigan Department of Education, all students should be learning the following Social-Emotional Learning Competencies: Self-Management, Social Awareness, Self Awareness, Responsible Decision-Making, and Relationship Skills. Additionally, Middle School students are beginning to think about career readiness. Students will start to develop an individualized plan while gaining a better understanding of various careers and post-secondary experiences/opportunities.

Students need to use positive communication and social skills for effective interactions; develop and maintain positive relationships; and demonstrate helpful ways to manage interpersonal conflicts. The Guidance Staff will visit all the classes to deliver lessons on Relationship Skills.


Students need to consider various factors in making decisions; develop and implement effective decision making skills; and play a developmentally appropriate role in classroom management and school climate. The Guidance Staff will visit all the classes to deliver lessons on Responsible Decision Making.


Students need recognize how their thoughts are connected to their feelings which influence their actions/behavior. As well as how to recognize their strengths and build on their limitations. The Guidance Staff will visit all the classes to deliver lessons on Self Awareness.


Students need recognize how their actions/behavior impact others as well as how others actions/behavior impacts them. This includes learner behavior, empathy, inclusion/exclusion, stereotypes as well as social activism​. The Guidance Staff will visit all the classes to deliver lessons on Social Awareness.


Students need to recognize how to manage their emotions, thoughts & behaviors effectively in different situations and to achieve goals. This includes the capacities to delay gratification, manage stress, and feel motivation & agency to accomplish goals. The Guidance Staff will visit all the classes to deliver a lessons on to deliver on Self Management.


Beginning in 7th grade, all students will develop an Educational Development Plan (EDP) in the Xello Program.

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • take a career matchmaker, personality, & learning style quiz

  • explore post-secondary options

  • begin developing a talent portfolio/ resume