Learning Consultant
About me
I have the joy and privilege of beginning my 30th year at St. Gabriel. Before coming to St. Gabriel, I taught in the St. Louis City Public Schools.
I moved to St. Louis to attend
St. Louis University where I earned my BS in Psychology and certifications in
Special Education and Regular Education. I have taught both,
but Special Education has always been
my passion.
I live in the parish with my husband
and several of my children and
grandchildren. I enjoy spending time with all of them as well as reading, hiking and gardening.
What I love about St. Gabriel has
to be the students. They never cease to amaze, challenge, learn, and teach.
What does a learning consultant do?
In a nutshell, a learning consultant works to be sure each student is given the opportunity to be a successful student. Since each child is different, and every year brings us new students, the job details change.
Some things that are consistent are helping teachers reach every student, meeting with students to assist in academics , meeting with outside organizations that provide assessments and resources, and meeting with families to help set up plans for their children here at St Gabriel and to access those outside resources.

A Justice Issue…
The goal of Catholic education is to educate the whole child in a Christian environment.
Children with special needs should be in our classrooms not only because they possess undiscovered talents, but because their presence in the class and in the school means that we as a community value all ranges of humanity no matter how their abilities are manifested.
What better lesson can we teach our children?
Here are some websites I suggest: https://ldastl.org/ Learning Disabilities Association of St. Louis
https://chadd.org/ Children and Adults with Attention Deficit.
https://dyslexiaida.org Dyslexia Association
https://exceptionalchildren.org/ Council for Exceptional Children