
Team Responsibilities

Hardware Team

Ryan Chin, Nathan Molinari, Corvin Terzo

Three members of our team shall use electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering skills to design the sensor bands and ensure they can properly interface with the users phone and app.

Software Team

Justin Frederickson, Deven Shah, John Goceljak

Three members of our team shall use coding software used to create an IOS application. Computer Engineering and Computer Science skills shall be used in order to not only create the application shell but also gather data from the sensors.

Team Assessment

Ryan Chin: Hardware Team. Meets regularly twice a week and meets with Matthew Wade every two weeks for project guidance.

Nathan Molinari: Hardware Team. Meets regularly twice a week and meets with Matthew Wade every two weeks for project guidance.

Corvin Terzo: Hardware Team. Meets regularly twice a week and meets with Matthew Wade every two weeks for project guidance.

Justin Frederickson: Software Team. Meets regularly twice a week and meets with Matthew Wade every two weeks for project guidance.

Deven Shah: Software Team. Meets regularly twice a week and meets with Matthew Wade every two weeks for project guidance.

John Goceljak: Software Team. Meets regularly twice a week and meets with Matthew Wade every two weeks for project guidance.

Justin Frederickson

I am a 4/4 Computer Engineer who worked with UPS in their Information Technology and System Management (ITSM) department this summer as an intern. I am continuing my work with UPS this school year as a CO-OP.

Ryan Chin

4/4 Computer Engineer and Information Technology Intern for the past 2 years at Cedonix Technologies. I am continuing my work with Cedonix Technologies during this school year.

Nathan Molinari

5/5 Electrical Engineer with a background in project management, electrical drafting and radio technology. I am continuing my work in radio technologies this year.

Deven Shah

4/4 Computer Engineer with experience in radio technology, wafer board testing, and other hardware and software integration and testing.  

Corvin Terzo

4/4.5 Computer Engineer with experience in radio technology system integration and testing as well embedded systems. In my free time I enjoy working on my persional projects such as an e-bike I built myself.

John Goceljak

4/4 Computer Engineer with experience in embedded development, Python Scripting, and front-end web development