Milestone 3

Milestone 3.1: Implement the design and upload screenshots or photos on the Milestone 3 page of the project site.

Hardware: The gyroscope/accelerometer sensors and Wi-Fi modules have been connected with the Arduino Nano board, powered and controlled from a computer for temporary testing.

Software: Development for the application is done in Android Studio. For future projects we would like to make an IOS application, however for convenience and time sake we have decided to specifically stick to Android.

Overview of Entire Application

Log-in Page




User Profile

Milestone 3.2: Test the implemented design and provide the results on the Milestone 3 page of the project site .

Hardware: Testing the MPU6050 we can see that we are receiving accurate yaw, pitch, and roll values in the serial monitor in the screenshot to the left.  Unfortunately upon testing the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module my suspicions were confirmed that the Arduino cannot provide enough power for consistent operation resulting in errors when trying to program the board. A dedicated power supply for the Wi-Fi module has been ordered to hopefully fix the problem.

Software: After creating the application, our group has decided we want to focus on the main part, the graphic and analysis, and then branch out to more parts if we can. We would rather make sure the main parts are perfect before we expand. Our next steps are to integrate the hardware with the software.

Milestone 3.3: Assess teamwork on the Milestone 3 page of the project site.

Application: Justin, Deven, and John mainly focused on this part of our project.

Hardware: Nathan, Ryan, and Corvin mainly focused on this part of our project.

Although we have specific roles, both parts of this application play hand in hand, and everyone worked together evenly to accomplish our goal.