Milestone 2

Milestone 2.1:

Task Breakdown:

Our group is going to split into 2 teams in order to efficiently work on our product.

For the hardware side:

For the mobile application side:

Project Plan:

Milestone 2.2:

Design Concepts (Sensors):

Wrist bands send acceleration data to phone via Bluetooth connection.

Wrist and Ankle bands send acceleration data to phone via Bluetooth connection.

Ankle bands send acceleration data to phone via Bluetooth connection.

A torso band sends acceleration data to phone via Bluetooth connection .

Design Concepts (Logo):

Design Concepts (App):


Basic sign in page. Sign in with an email or password, logo at the top, plus options to create a new account/reset password.

My Overview

Basic overview of workouts/games. User may click on ‘more data’ which would bring them to the ‘Trending Analytics’ page for that specific activity. Potential for more things than just the most recent workout, user may be able to set goals, see how they are doing in each sport, etc. 

My Analytics

This is where the advanced statistics shall be shown to the user after their workout. Graphs, feedback, and more will be on this page.

My Calendar

Users may traverse the calendar to find data from a specific activity on any date where there was info imputed into the app. Have an option to see statistics for a week, month, year, lifetime.

My Friend's Feed

Can add users to see what your friends are up to in their training, games, etc. 


Basic profile. Can have a profile pic, edit profile info, share data with others, change settings or sign out.

Milestone 2.3:

Design Concept Selection:

Sensor Placement

Logo Selection

Our group shall move forward with each section presented for our application, however given a choice between the calendar section and friend's feed section we would go with the friend's feed section.

Milestone 2.4:

System Diagrams:

Process Flowchart:

Milestone 2.5:

Hardware Specifications:

Software Specifications:

Milestone 2.6:

Test Plan (Hardware):

Test Plan (Software):