Heinrich Berann's

National Park Paintings

Heinrich Berann (1915-1999) is the father of the modern panorama map. Berann was known for his unorthodox habits of landscape manipulation, such as rotating mountains, widening valleys, and vertically exaggerating features. Berann painted four panoramas for the U.S. National Park Service that demonstrated his genius for landscape visualization: North Cascades National Park (1987), Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite National Park, and finally Mt. McKinley National Park (1994). Some of his map artwork is now in the public domain and can be found here.

I made posters of the four National Park paintings Berann made for the U.S. National Park Service. These pieces are some of my favorites of Berann's stunning map masterpieces.


North Cascades National Park

by Heinrich Berann

Labeled Heinrich Berann illustration of NCNP

Annotations by Steph Abegg

Yosemite National Park

by Heinrich Berann

Yellowstone National Park

by Heinrich Berann

Denali National Park

by Heinrich Berann

Labeled Heinrich Berann illustration of the Picket Range

Annotations by Steph Abegg

(Cropped from the larger North Cascades poster above. Link to Picket Range page.)