
Your Reflection Process

Our Daily Class Reflection

You will use reflection time every class session during the last 10 minutes. This 10 minutes is a quiet time so YOU have a chance to think about how YOUR work flow happened, what YOU can do to help YOURself, or discover any changes to be made.

A blog post can be made ANYTIME you work on your project or think of something about your project.

This is an opportunity for you to learn from yourself!

Your post is NOT a repeat of what we do in class...we are all there. Your post IS a conversation with yourself about your goals, plans, processes, feelings, next steps, challenges, how you deal with your challenges, how you think about your passion, how you might rethink something about your project, etc.

Use the following information to structure your blog posts.

You will create a separate page in your Google site. Title this page as "your name" Fall Reflections.

You will add a text box with a title (the date) and add a divider line above the title (the date). Each reflection will be inserted ABOVE the last post. You can change the color of every other post to differentiate it from the other posts. This is a good way to organize and find.

We will create this page in class, and post the first reflection in class so you get the hang of how this works.

Each reflection entry at the end of class will answer the following questions or use the questions to help you develop your reflection:

  • What did you learn about today? How did you complete your research or work?

  • What was challenging, clear, unclear, gave you something more to think about, etc.?

  • Did you make any changes to your passion project? If so, what were they? If not, why not?

  • What questions do you have after today? How could you find some of these answers? Who can you talk to about any questions?

  • What took up the majority of your time today? Was this a success or do you need to rethink your ideas?

  • What do you need to do / get before our next passion session?


-makes all of us self-aware. It challenges us to think deeply about how we learn and why and why not.

-deepens ownership. When we reflect, we become sensitive to the personal connection that exists between ourselves, our learning, and our work. The more we consider these connections, the deeper they seem to become.

-makes things matter more.

-helps us get comfortable with the uncomfortable. It also helps us fail forward. It’s through reflection that we’ve discovered our greatest power: our willingness to encourage and celebrate risk-taking.

-helps us know ourselves better. It helps us sharpen our vision, so we can align our actions with it.

-helps us notice when we’re getting off track.

-helps us advocate for ourselves and support others. Taking the time to reflect enables us to identify what we want, what we need, and what we must do to help ourselves.

-helps us realize how our gifts and strengths might be used in service to others.

How to Reflect

What is (are) the most important thing(s) you learned from this week's work? What surprised you? Reflect on the "why."

What do you wish you had spent more time on or done differently? Reflect on the "why."

How did this work help you to grow as a learner?

Discuss what you have learned during the class and how it will assist you in achieving further academic goals.

Include your strategies for capitalizing on your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses in order to become more successful.