Unseen Poetry

The Unseen Poetry is on Paper 2- Section C of the English Literature exam. For this you should apply the skills you have learn for analysing poetry- focusing on poetic techniques- language, form and structure, to analyse the poems you are given. Think about what the message/ meaning of the poem is too. What does the poet want us to understand, learn or think more deeply about?

What do I need to know?

This is the final part of Paper 2, so manage your time carefully to be able to answer this section properly.

32 Marks. 45 Minutes

Two questions!

24 Marks (15%) 35 mins. Focus on ‘Unseen’ poem A. e.g. Speaker’s feelings.

8 marks (5%) 10 mins? Comparison of poems A+B - quick comparison of techniques- with quotes to back up. Finding similarities and differences- explaining briefly.

Learn it

GCSE Unseen Poetry Analysis.docx
Unseen Poetry Knowledge Organiser.docx

Revise it

Test it!

Unseen Poetry- Assessment Top Sheet.docx
Ninetieth Birthday and My Grandmother.docx