Time Frame for Self Isolation/Quarantine

1. Individual is symptomatic and has tested positive for COVID-19:

  • Quarantine for 10 days since symptoms first appeared AND no fever for at least 72 hours without the use of medicine that reduces fever AND -other symptoms have improved, such as cough and shortness of breath.

2. Individual has NO symptoms and tested positive for COVID-19:

  • Quarantine for 10 days from the date of diagnostic test AND the individual has not developed symptoms. -If the individual develops symptoms after testing positive, follow the guidance above for #1.

3. Individual is symptomatic and tested negative COVID-19:

  • Stay home and away from others until 72 hours after fever has ended without the use of fever reducing medications AND other symptoms improve.

4. Individuals who are identified as a close contact (being within 6 feet for at least a period of 15 minutes within a 24 hour period) should:

  • Self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms for 10 days from the last date of exposure with the person.

5. Individual in the household is positive, student is negative or did not test:

  • Self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms for 10 days from the last date of exposure with the person.

6. If traveling outside of the tri-state (including Pennsylvania) student must quarantine for 10 days.

** When in doubt, please keep the student home and call the nurse's office for guidance at 732-257-6668.**

Updated 12/22/2020