Support Safe, Stable and Affordable Housing with Sustainably-Funded Programs and Policies

Addresses Risk Factor: 

Economic Instability

Youth who experience economic instability and do not have consistent access to basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter are at higher risk of substance use, violence, delinquency, teen pregnancy, and dropping out of school.

How does this strategy address this risk factor?

Safe, high-quality, stable, and affordable housing can have positive impacts on mental health, physical health, and wellbeing and promote healthy outcomes among youth. More specifically, the provision of affordable housing options within communities can reduce household financial burdens, which in turn allows for the increased ability of households to meet youths’ basic needs (e.g., food, clothing, healthcare, etc.). Affordable housing is most effective in producing long-term positive health outcomes when options are stable and sustained by communities. Consistent and long-term access to affordable options can reduce a household’s need to frequently move and/or relocate, which can promote access to and continuity of healthcare, reduce depression and anxiety, and decrease illicit drug use among youth. [1, 2]

Communities interested in supporting affordable housing should take a comprehensive approach that considers availability of new and existing rental units, quality of affordable dwellings, financial support for families, and assistance to help families stay in affordable housing. [3]

Before You Begin





Implementation Activities Aligned to Research

It is important to note that the uniqueness of your community, its resources, and its needs will ultimately determine what implementation of this strategy will look like. Additionally, it is important for your coalition to approach this strategy in a way that is aligned with your overarching goal(s). The list below offers suggestions and ideas of evidence-informed actions your coalition can consider taking as part of your implementation of this strategy.

Secure and Increase the Supply of Safe and Affordable Housing Units





Provide Financial Supports to Families to Reduce Their Housing Cost Burden


Provide Tenant Protections to Help Families Stay in Affordable Housing





  1. Nabihah Maqbool, Janet Viveiros, and Mindy Ault, “The Impacts of Affordable Housing on Health: A Research Summary,” Insights from Housing Policy Research, 2015,
  2. Housing And Health: An Overview Of The Literature,” Health Affairs Health Policy Brief, June 7, 2018. DOI: 10.1377/ hpb20180313.396577
  3. Allison Allbee, Rebecca Johnson, and Jeffrey Lubell , “Preserving, Protecting, and Expanding Affordable Housing: A Policy Toolkit for Public Health,” ChangeLab Solutions, 2015,