Additional Funding Opportunities for Strategies and Programs

Potential Existing Funding Opportunities to Support Implementation of Programs & Strategies

  • Block grant funds from Maternal Child Health or Community Behavioral Health funds have some flexibility on the services and strategies that they fund. Find out more about how existing block grant funds in your community, how those are prioritized, and if future prioritization processes could include coalition input on the direction of funds.

Community Actions to Support the Pursuit of Additional Funding

  • Participate in/provide grant-writing training for Coalitions and engaged members of the key leader or community boards.

  • Engage community partners in conversations on how to leverage funding across agencies (e.g., funding that is available to diverse agencies) in order to ensure adequate funding for all prioritized community prevention initiatives.

  • Educate stakeholders on the potential to earmark local excise or sales tax on substances for prevention efforts. For example, in Colorado local jurisdictions may choose to levy additional taxes on these substances, as well as marijuana if it is sold in the community. Delegation of these so-called “sin taxes,” can support youth substance abuse prevention and treatment efforts. Fees for licensing of outlets can also be applied to youth prevention programs.

Potential Colorado-Specific Funding Opportunities to Support Implementation of Programs & Strategies

  • Read more about statewide funding sources in Colorado that are available to fund many of the identified programs and strategies aligned with this work. Read more about the timelines for the next cycles of funding here.