Increase Civic Engagement

Increases Protective Factor:

Community Opportunities for Prosocial Involvement and Connection

When youth are involved in extracurricular activities like sports, band, drama clubs, student government, or community service, protection increases and they are less likely to be involved in substance use and delinquency.

How does this strategy increase this protective factor? 

Civic engagement refers to participation in a range of political and non-political activities, including voting in elections, participating in group activities, and volunteering in communities.  Research supports the connection between civic engagement and benefits to communities, as well as benefits on participant health and wellbeing for individuals across the lifespan. Increased civic participation has been shown to build an individual’s social capital, which expands one’s social network, increases individuals’ sense of purpose, decreases feelings of isolation, and reinforces positive community norms. Across communities, civic engagement can positively impact the quality of life for its residents by allowing them to use their skills, knowledge, experiences, and enthusiasm to influence change.

Youth and adults alike face a number of barriers that can impede their ability to participate in civic engagement activities, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic, lack of understanding, and lack of knowledge of available opportunities are common. Increasing participation among all members of a community is important, as it can lead to continued civic participation throughout the lifespan, reduced engagement in risky behaviors, as well as provide the positive health benefits described above., Your community may undertake this strategy if it lacks civic engagement opportunities or if participation in existing opportunities is low.

Before You Begin





Implementation Activities Aligned to Research

It is important to note that the uniqueness of your community, its resources, and its needs will ultimately determine what implementation of this strategy will look like. Additionally, it is important for your coalition to approach this strategy in a way that is aligned with your overarching goal(s). The list below offers suggestions and ideas of evidence-informed actions your coalition can consider taking as part of your implementation of this strategy.






