Colorado Specific Resources

Colorado-specific resources are available for COVID-19 response efforts, public health interviewing, and immunization activities. Materials for navigator training, case interviews, contact tracing, and more are included. 


General resources for cultural navigators participating in COVID-19 activities. Some of the following resources include COVID-19 training, COVID-19 resources for community distribution, and testing resources.

COVID-19 Testing Resources

Public Health Interviewing 

Resources for navigators and public health teams supporting, public health interviewing, contact tracing, contact investigation, and community events are included. Additional resources are coming soon.


COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Language Directory:

Links to handouts, facts sheets, and videos in English, and a directory for the same resources (when available) in multiple languages. 

Click on the links below to view the materials

Arabic    Spanish    Somali   Tigrinya    Dari  

Colorado Cultural Navigation Teams (ELC COVID-19 Funding)

Information about the Cultural Navigation Request for Applications (RFA) for the Colorado COVID-19 response, including application materials, a pre-application conference call, deadlines, and additional questions and answers may be found here