
2 hours

Steps 13-14: Time boxing final changes and delivery

The final review

Home stretch for everyone. The most important aspect of this meeting is that everyone agrees that it is the last one.

Set a strict time limit and count this as a combination review and work session. Walk through all of the updates made since the big Review and reference the final Input list. As you go, make any needed tweaks together during the meeting with the agreement that once the meeting is over, no more changes will be made as dragging out the process will be more costly than the returns created by unending refinements.


Review the final Input list and all of the changes made. Any tweaks happen during the meeting, and when it's over, the review process is over.


Designer packages up the final product for delivery and Client pays. Everyone is happy because the project was successful and the process is over 🥳 🎉 🍾

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