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Performance Dashboard

Info per Arizona "State Board for Charter Schools"

STAR School's "State Performance Dashboard"

( click for details -- per website for "Arizona State Board for Charter Schools")

2020-21) STAR School's "State Performance Dashboard"

In accordance with A.R.S. Section 15-189.05 (Laws 2018, Ch. 285, Section 3),

The STAR School hereby reports average teacher salaries:

  • Average teacher salary for 2020-21 is $45,924

  • Average teacher salary for 2019-20 is $48,594

  • Average teacher salary for 2018-19 is $39,796

  • This reflects an average increase since 2018 of 9.6%.

2019-20) STAR School's "State Performance Dashboard"

In accordance with A.R.S. Section 15-189.05 (Laws 2018, Ch. 285, Section 3),

The STAR School hereby reports teacher salaries, for the 2018-19 and 2019-20 school years -- as follows:

  • Average base teacher salary for 2019-20 is $48,594

  • Average base teacher salary for 2018-19 is $39,796

  • This reflects an average increase of $8,798 (22.1%)