Poster Session Award Winners


Jaya Sicard (University of Nevada, Reno)

"Investigating the Electron-Ion Equilibrium Rates of Warm Dense Metals"

From the judges: [Jaya] highlighted [the] importance of her work for planetary studies and hydrogen fusion, excellent oral explanation of methodology and results.

Katie Hermanson (California State University, East Bay)

"Next Steps in the Search for Non-Interacting Particles Experimental Hunt"

From the judges: [Katie's poster] stood out for its captivating visuals and excellent poster design (minimal words and lots of effective images!)

Emily Avey (University of Oregon)

"Bacterial Aggregate Growth Dynamics"

From the judges: [Emily] delivered an engaging presentation that was accessible to scientists outside her field of microbial biophysics, effective graphics.

Phoebe Andromeda (Oregon State University)

"Characterizing the Performance of Graphene Field Effect Transistors"

From the judges: [Phoebe demonstrated an] impressive understanding of technical background, clear presentation of research objective and methodology, professional graphics.

Honorable Mention:

Shreya Puranam (University of California, Berkeley)

"Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for Improved Energy Reconstruction in CUORE"

From the judges: [Shreya] presented technical content in an engaging way, demonstrated exceptional knowledge in her field.

Students' Choice:

Michelle Park (Stanford University)

"Modeling the Growth and Death of Massive Galaxies with Mock James Webb Space Telescope Observations"

From the judges: [Michelle gave an] engaging presentation that explained scientific goal, methodology, and conclusions of her research in an accessible and inspirational way.

Poster Guidelines

Our poster session will take place on Saturday afternoon. All CUWiP attendees are encouraged to present a poster on any scientific research you have been involved with. There will be prizes for best poster! However, if you have not been involved in research or do not feel comfortable presenting your research, don’t worry! Engage with the presenters during the poster session and learn about how you can become involved in undergraduate research.

Poster Logistics

When you register, submit a short poster title and abstract. Please keep abstracts short and to the point (~250 words or less, though there is no hard limit). You will be able to update it later. To ensure your poster fits on our boards, please limit poster size to no larger than 4 feet wide and 3 feet high, landscape orientation. You must print and bring your poster with you to CUWiP*. We encourage you to ask your home institution to help you print the poster.

*If you FORGET your poster or are UNABLE to print it beforehand, the following local options may be available:

Biotech Productions (delivers locally)
Phone: (650) 369 4541

American Printing (delivers locally)
Phone: (650) 325 2322 office, (415) 412 9407 cell

Kinkos (several local stores)
Pick up only

Tips for a Great Poster